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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Proving you are as ignorant of history as you are bad at basic logic.
  2. ********************************** This won't end well.
  3. The senators have not publicly identified the four footnotes in question, but sources have previously told the DCNF that they dealt with information related to dossier author Christopher Steele’s interactions with Russian oligarchs, and information from Steele’s sources for the dossier. One of the footnotes refers to evidence that Steele, a former MI6 officer, may have published Russian disinformation in his dossier, the source familiar with the situation told the DCNF. Lawmakers and other government officials have long questioned whether Russian sources intentionally misled Steele as he was investigating Donald Trump in 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.
  4. Joe is going to get destroyed. And it'll be hilarious to watch. (second tweet memes)
  5. As I've said to 4mer many times throughout the last 2 years -- that's a completely valid fear to have. If you go just based on history and precedent alone, that is indeed the most likely outcome... ... Unless we are truly living in different times. If we are, and if the team around 45 is who I've been led to believe they are, then all those bets are off. But we'll see one way or the other soon enough. I'm still upset they pushed back from last fall to an election year as I thought that was an unnecessary gamble as who knows what could happen to derail it (cough - Covid - cough / black swan event), but sadly I don't get a say in their plans.
  6. HARD PASS They made their beds. Let them die in it.
  7. Make no mistake, this declass will answer a lot of "questions". I put the quotes around that word because it's likely already known/deduced what the redactions are hiding -- but, I thought I knew what the GP transcripts would say and that they'd be bad for the FBI narrative, they wound up being WORSE than even I anticipated. If that holds with these footnotes, then we're into a new phase of this.
  8. Update -- it's "footnote declass day" ... I believe that's what Fog is referring to. ***************** Thoughts from Jeff who is one of the few people who has paid more attention to the minutia of this scandal than even a nerd like me has: ******************* I'd watch all three of those accounts closely today: Techno_Fog, Huber, and Jeff's. (if you want to get your hands on the releases before most)
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-town-hall-trump-derangement-syndrome-question
  10. Briefing starting soon: Also: Good Friday Blessing
  11. This is an odd post from a friend who is wired in. I'm assuming he means there will be Flynn news today but I honestly don't know what he's referencing (he's not a Q guy so it likely is not 4/10/20 related)
  12. You have to misconstrue what's said -- because you're dishonest. Can't just stick to what's written, can you? Such a sad, miserable person -- with a broken brain and an ass for a face.
  13. She's desperate because the crisis is not as bad as they hoped -- thus, this won't be stopped/or pushed off until after the election: This too from what I've heard from staffers on the DNC side. Joe is a dumpster fire, they know it -- and the crisis they morbidly hoped would help keep Joe's flaws from public view have only been accentuated with his bumbling attempt to maintain visibility.
  14. A Biden/Cuomo ticket would be a disaster for Biden. Two old, rich, white guys atop a progressive ticket will only assure the Bernie tent they're DESPERATE to hold onto will abandon them in droves. No Chance Joe -- regardless of his VP pick.
  15. The vast majority of every post he makes is littered projection. Has been for years -- because he's a bad person, intellectually dishonest, and competently inept.
  16. Will Iran go along with it? (No) -- will the media blame KSA or Iran? (KSA)
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