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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Took 28 days, but we had our first super shady attempt to get into our apartment yesterday -- we live in a bigger building, 100+ residents. Started with knocking and a man asking my significant other if she dropped something outside and to open the door. She refused (because: duh), the knocking became banging, then a tool of some kind to our lock. Called the cops -- they said they aren't responding to less than an actual B&E, not an attempted B&E. The only plus is took about ten seconds for my s/o to move from "we don't need a gun in LA" to "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A GUN?!" Only 33 more days to go in LA County... I'm sure it won't get worse.
  2. Of course you don't -- which only makes it that much more hysterical
  3. The NYT, ladies and gents: No Chance Joe -- not even with the Gray Lady running interference.
  4. He doesn't. He's been running from this place since his take on Russia/Trump turned out to be 100% incorrect. (And his take on Russia was 100% wrong because he took sources like the NYT at their word rather than thinking for himself)
  5. No one has ever argued there aren't other treatments. No one has ever argued there aren't side effects (to most medications). The truth is, Trump was right. The drug is helping a lot of people. And there is a large contingent in the media and partisan politics (but I repeat myself) who'd rather see Trump be wrong and people die than for Trump to be right and people to live. Don't be one of those fools. Be better than that.
  6. See: Nevada and Michigan to start. They BANNED its use for a short time -- to "get Trump", then realized, "oops, it's working for a lot of people" and changed course.
  7. ... You mean like "BUT RUSSIA!" ? Except for the governors who banned its use -- only to reverse course when the winds changed you mean... right?
  8. (don't tell @BullBuchanan or @Crayola64 ... their FEELz couldn't take this kind of damning turn in the narrative they've been programmed to believe) Since the late 40s when we sold our soul as a nation by importing the worst of the Nazi war machine into our IC in order to gain an "edge" over the Soviets.
  9. *Because this was an intelligence operation, first and foremost, run against the American people by the USIC and its media cut-outs.
  10. You're presuming the outbreak started in December. There are some signs that it started much sooner than that (because "China is #######") -- in which case the "wave" we're experiencing now is the second wave rather than the first. Conclusive? Nope. Not by a long shot. But that's why the antibody testing (not Covid testing) is going to be so interesting when that becomes widespread. Testing is not as important as antibody testing. Want to re-open the country? Don't focus on testing for the virus, focus on the antibodies. That's why the push for "BUT TESTING!" has always been a useless talking point pushed for political reasons.
  11. Thank you! I was wondering
  12. Why is 44 so into it? That should be a HUGE red warning light for anyone with half a brain. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend)
  13. Saturday morning (LA time) smattering: Longer thread on Source 3 from a very good researcher:
  14. In the days/months immediately after the election, when the entire Bush/Neocon machine was racing to join the Clinton/Obama/Neoliberal machine to "get" Trump, I thought that it wouldn't be long until those progressives/centrists/liberals who spent 8 years gnashing their teeth (rightly so to some extent) about W/Cheney/the oil cartels and endless war would wake up. After all, how could they take seriously the caterwauling of the Frums, Krystols, and Boots of the world after spending 8 years calling them fascists, Nazis, and war criminals? Surely they would see, quickly, that if your enemies for the past 8 years suddenly teamed up with your "allies" (whom, upon reflection, pushed the same agenda as your "enemies" when they had 8 years in office), then maybe you should re-think your position. But nope. There was never a moment of reflection with this group. They went full bore into "RUSSIA!" and never looked back. It took about two months for me to realize the principles these folks spent 8 years arguing for weren't really principles at all. Because when you're an NPC who floats from talking point to talking point when pushed by the "consensus of MSM opinion", you don't have the luxury of principles. They get in the way of your FEELZ.
  15. Brian doesn't think, Adam. He's a paid parrot, no thinking required.
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