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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Yup. Those people that haven't taken the time to figure out his style of communicating are usually the ones who are the most upset by what he (didn't really) say. And, I don't blame those people because the sound-byte media distorts an already garbled message and runs it over and over, without context. What's interesting about his communication style to me personally is that it's a perfect example of how Trump's weaknesses (and this is a weakness) serves simultaneously as a strength. There's never been a politician like it before, for better and worse. The stream-of-consciousness communication style is a weakness because his imprecision with language is so different from the polished (and overly sanitized) "off the cuff comments" of the rest of the political class that it's jarring to non-partisans/objective observers. It not only opens him up to easy (and avoidable) attacks by his rivals and enemies, it also has driven a lot of the moderate and independents away from the tent. Yet, all that also serves as a strength. Because despite the audacity of his words, you can't fake being real. Trump's difference in style is entirely genuine and his own, not filtered through think tanks, PR handlers, and his circle of advisers. That's a refreshing breath of fresh air to many people who are tired of the polished talking points from pols that are nothing more than empty words (that sound REALLY good). That's why we've seen, over time, more and more centrists and independents coming back into the fold even though they all wish he'd be more precise with his language rather than a flamethrower.
  2. (whole thread is worth consideration, but posting for that second clip)
  3. The Daily Mail broke the story that she was their source, and that she made it up for money. Posted up-thread -- but that doesn't stop a guy who is still pushing debunked talking points 4 years later. He's not very sharp, that one.
  4. Just my take -- he's baiting the press. A Tweet isn't an official order. He's giving his enemies a chance to run wild with stories for a few days -- then will do it completely differently. It's a move he's perfected to expose the bias/true agendas of certain outlets/reporters/political rivals. Trump isn't an A to B communicator. He's an A to Z to D back to A then to D. (jmo)
  5. This is a shot since the President of Iran and Maduro have been getting chummy. China is all over Venezuela as well right now. Worth keeping in mind, especially with so much US firepower now focused on South America.
  6. Good stuff, Hedge. Heard the same from more than one person over the past several years. (For the record: it was always conversationally, never with evidence I could vet for myself)
  7. That's totally something an innocent actor would do...
  8. I've been blessed with a voice that can sound quite intimidating (behind a closed door). A few years in radio and doing voice work helped with the projection. I can channel TSW's favorite baritone when needed:
  9. The squirrel above doesn't understand the difference between consensual and non consensual... But principles aren't his style. Or basic cognitive abilities.
  10. All the stores in LA County are now by appointment only (it seems like), so you have to get a on a list before you get on another list -- just to get into the store.
  11. I was asleep when it started. The banging woke me up. I ran downstairs and used my "man" voice to ask him what the F he wanted (in more colorful language) and the guy took off. My guess is that he either saw my girl on our porch from outside and assumed she was alone/easy target and the sound of a second person inside changed his calculus. She got his description, we gave it to the cops (I didn't get a visual, he was gone by the time I got to the door) but she didn't think he lived in our building. Yesterday afternoon! My s/o prefers knives, so she ordered a 9 inch bowie knife. I tried to point out that using an edged weapon in a pandemic isn't as safe as a ranged weapon -- but she already committed.
  12. They did indeed. And were getting killed for it (rightly so). Compare to Kavanaugh/Ford, and then laugh.
  13. That was faster than I expected ... wonder what the correction will be? I bet it'll be the same minus everything from "beyond" on.
  14. Could go in a few threads, but this seems like the best:
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