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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. "Nothing to see here -- ignore the man behind the curtain"
  2. Even the WaPo is now on board the "it started in a lab" camp -- it only took them finding a way to blame a republican for it before they switched.
  3. My bet, based on the fact Barry never took initiative on his own and always did what his council advised, is that he was told when to jump and asked “how high”.
  4. 44 waiting until after the primaries are decided to endorse Joe is the most Obama thing ever. No courage. No leadership. Just more leading/following from behind.
  5. Nothing makes them angrier than realizing they no longer can control the narrative. It enraged them when the Russia story turned (and they failed to follow), it enraged them when people didn't care about Ukraine despite their pleas -- today will wreck their fragile egos even more. It's fantastic. IMO people waking up in droves and rejecting the media's SOP/narrative building is the only way we have a hope of fixing the media going forward.
  6. "Things they need" is the slippery slope though, Shoshin. Some people need God. Some people need seeds. Some people need community. If you let fear dictate your decisions, you'll never be free.
  7. FEAR makes people do silly things -- like give up their freedom for the mere illusion of security.
  8. Too many people are awake to try to pull this... Victory for humanity.
  9. For some levity: (for the record, I haven't heard it confirmed anywhere that he took it... though, I expect if he didn't take it, it'd be the leading story in multiple outlets. The fact it's a mystery still makes me lean towards him having taken it.)
  10. I tend to agree with your take, DocB. The anti-Fauci push was pushed early on by the most rabid partisans who, citing Fauci's ties to Clinton in the Wikileaks dump (and Valarie Jarret), take him to be a bad actor. I've never bought that, and I don't think 45 does either (else he would have kicked him to the curb a month ago). There have been Fauci moments where he's made it tough to keep that stance though. His deflection/protection of the WHO and its director as an example -- but I write that off to his personal relationship with the man more than anything else. I don't think he's going anywhere -- even if Trump is done with him -- for the reasons you state above. If there's an issue, Trump will take him out after this passes and replace him.
  11. My own perspective from LA is warped by the fact I'm immuno-suppressed (so I've been extra careful) and the fact I work in the entertainment industry which is being decimated in the wake of the shutdown. Meaning, I've been given a front row seat to both sides of the debate about both the severity of the virus and the cost of shutting down the entire country. Our friend/neighbor two doors down in our building has it -- but is young and recovering fine. Though, I'm sure that means it's all over our building. I'm on day 32 of my own lock down, and facing (per LA county) another 32 days of it. Most everyone I know out here has lost their job, or (like me) lost several jobs. So there's a constant back and forth between people being terrified of the bug and terrified they'll never work again in the industry. ... I'm waiting for the anit-body tests because the longer this has gone on the more convinced I am that I had it in December (worst "flu" of my life hit me and my girl as we traveled from LA to Texas to Rochester -- and we promptly got the whole family sick over the holiday). We've been getting (good natured) grief since then from my siblings that we're plague rats, but man if we wound up spreading Covid (and thus giving the family immunity) in December we'd be able to turn that narrative around from plague rats to heroes!
  12. Stop... you have NOT been thinking for all this time. It's proven by your own (hilariously wrong) posts. You got every single major story wrong in the past four years. Every one. So it's not a surprise that you're analysis of Trump himself is equally as *****.
  13. Yup. He wants to get ahead of Trump... (which I'm thinking is what Trump wants)
  14. I don't want to prognosticate anything for (my home) region since I'm currently in LA (and clearly not a doctor), but I sure hope so! I would guess (GUESS) that they're a week behind NYC, but I hope that's wrong.
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