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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Remember, Twitter banned Zerohedge off their platform for pushing the lab story several weeks ago. I have plenty of problems with Zerohedge, but they were punished (and still are) for challenging the narrative -- despite being correct in the end.
  2. It's like people never read Art of the Deal. It's Trump negotiating in real time, through the media. Talk big, threaten big, then take the advantage when the other side comes to negotiate. It's literally the same thing he did with Kim in the DPRK. Shake the stick, rattle the cages, and then wait for your opponent to soften their stance.
  3. Yup. The democrat party sealed their fate by letting the neoliberal establishment wing foist an un-electable candidate on them. But it's real funny how this virus/lock down seems perfectly suited to help Joe by hiding his deficiencies, and to harm Trump. More than just the odd delay Pelosi ran in the House with impeachment, which she dropped on the Senate just when the virus reached our shore and guaranteed the media and DC leadership would be mired in an impeachment trial which would suck up all the oxygen and time which otherwise would have been spent following the virus. You also have the political benefits of a pandemic and lock down which seemingly only favor the DNC not Trump: *No more Trump rallies, * The DNC gets to hide Joe from the press, * They also (likely) get to change the debate formats which will protect Joe and take away one of Trump's biggest advantages over him (putting the two of them on stage together in front of a crowd, Trump wins 10 times out of 10), * And of course the big advantage -- the push for the federalization of elections and mail in voting en mass, both of which would guarantee fraud and cheating by the left, maybe enough to win. (because you can only cheat the election if it's close -- and this wasn't going to be close -- unless you get national mail in votes, then you can cheat even a not-close election). Add in the CCP attachments to politicians on the left (Clinton/Obama CCP sell out, Feinstein's driver, Pelosi's investments with her husband, Murphy's ties + dozens more), plus the CCP "ownership" of the five major media conglomerates, and the fact that the US DoD is now 90% certain the bug came from a lab, not a wet market -- and there's a lot of dots which just line up too neatly to be written off as mere coincidence. As always, control is their (the establishment's) end game. This bug was tailor made for them to regain control through draconian means, and to remove Trump/Durham before the poop hits the fan on SpyGate.
  4. That is the precise calculus DNC leadership has been running since January when they dragged their feet sending the impeachment articles to the Senate, timing it perfectly (purely by coincidence, I'm sure ) when the first infected person from Wuhan made it to Seattle...
  5. Morning splattering of declass stories/documents: Lots of worthwhile reading: Chuck's write up: Cleveland's write up: Two UH threads which are very important (attaching them in Lee's tweets because it's cleaner/less space) Then Lee (first) Chris (second) battling a bit with Sergei: Lastly: Catherine's latest: Got a nice update yesterday from DC, nothing has been stopped due to the virus, but there has been some re-arranging of the roll out schedule due to the bug. Not expecting anything between now and end of May personally, but I'd expect the fireworks to begin sometime June/July. That's not a prediction, that's not a date I was given, that's me reading tea leaves as best I can with the information available. There are more than likely two big names already under indictment from what I gather. One, if it's real, would just make all the delays worthwhile. It's going top down, like a RICO matter (their words) rather than middle up/down or bottom up. Addendum: (Read Jeff's main thread, but the clip is also an important refresher of how bold they were in terms of breaking the law during the transition)
  6. You’re no longer running around screaming about millions of Americans dying then?
  7. Well, it sure sounds like the DoD thinks this is an ever more likely probability.
  8. Numerous reports the past two months of China selling/giving PPE and tests to other countries to help fight the virus, only to discover that the equipment/tests were contaminated with the virus -- either through incompetence/negligence (most likely) or intentionally (least likely).
  9. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Shiva
  10. That's certainly the hope... but it won't work
  11. No Chance Joe, even with the media running blatant lies to try to push him over the finish line. The Ukraine/China mess will sink them both.
  12. The point of this country is that the government works for us, not the other way around. The government does not grant us rights, we have rights.
  13. Nothing to see there... nothing at all.
  14. Anyone who pushed the Trump/Russia lie is immediately disqualified imo.
  15. Of course not. That would require him to have principles.
  16. Wrong. You are equating talking about sex as being the same as assault -- while ignoring Joe's actual record of assault of not just women, but children. Because you don't want truth. You want to have your feelz validated. It's a sad way to operate, especially when your own track record of getting stories "right" is so spotty. You can fix your own stupidity. But it starts by admitting you're wrong, which you never do.
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/business/china-coronavirus-masks-tests.html https://www.newsweek.com/uk-says-millions-coronavirus-test-kits-bought-china-unreliable-most-patients-1496506 These are the same tests the WHO was pushing in Feb/March.
  18. Yes. He is. That's how poor his argument is when looked at in the context of reality, not partisanship.
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