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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. De Blasio on Fox just said July/August is when NYC can start to think about opening up again. Never. Gonna. Happen.
  2. I can't believe they haven't pulled the site yet
  3. Hardest hit: Transplant ****************************
  4. Yeah. Your view of history is warped by the fact you're ignoring about 30 years of overspending, stretching across multiple administrations. You're acting like this is new, or unique to Trump. It's not.
  5. I only got to meet him briefly on two different occasions, but from what I saw he always went out of his way to be overly kind to everyone he interacted with, especially crew/production members. Which is not something you can say about every actor (even nice ones). It's my own little gauge when working with people, actors will always kiss up to writers/producers/directors because they know we can get them the next job -- but most will ignore/avoid interactions with the carpenters, gaffers, boom ops, et al... Not Brian.
  6. They don't care what you want. They only care about controlling you. Joe gives them that (because they'll control Joe). #DemExit
  7. Flashback: Shh... it's fine. Go back to sleep.
  8. This one hurts, a real nice person in my experience: https://variety.com/2020/film/news/brian-dennehy-dead-dies-tommy-boy-first-blood-1234582309/
  9. Late night hosts have NEVER looked more pathetic and partisan than they have during this lock down. Remove them from their audience, make up, and lighting, and suddenly the magic is gone and you can see clearly the man behind the curtain. Now, instead of famous and powerful men in Hollywood, they all look like angry pod casters streaming from their mom's basements while they gnash their teeth about "ORANGE MAN BAD!" That's a bad image that will stick to them for long after normal life resumes. I would not be shocked if there was a complete casting change within all the late night shows (Colbert, Fallon, Jimmy, Myers) over the next half decade -- based simply on how much "allure" they're losing doing their shows remotely. The only one I can see sticking around is Conan, due to his deal.
  10. Start at 15:40 and listen close: https://www.npr.org/2016/12/19/504998487/transcript-and-video-nprs-exit-interview-with-president-obama He knew. He did the country DIRTY. And should meet the same fate as other seditious asshats throughout history.
  11. Good. He made his bed. Let him stay in it.
  12. Not only is she a terrible authoritarian, she's also a liar. Maybe she IS perfect for No Chance Joe's ticket!
  13. Totally agree -- which is why I think the mail-in voting push is their big ticket.
  14. Drudge sold his company to a foreign corporation a while ago, and immediately their content began to change. It has nothing to do with the deficit and everything to do with what's not being reported in the news. Drudge as an outlet is now a complete never Trump rag because of it. Calling them the "intellectual conservative" is laughable. He's a cut out, bought and paid for. Like Frum. Like Kristol. Like Boot. The math they can't escape: Clinton came into office broke -- left a millionaire many times over. Obama came into office broke -- left a millionaire many times over. Trump came into office rich -- and will leave with less net worth than when he started. But yeah, according to the @jrober38 -- the same guy who just two weeks ago was screaming everyone in America was going to die -- Trump is "lining his pockets" Facts aren't friends to those with partisan agendas. Jrober continues to prove he's not a serious thinker. He's an NPC.
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