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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. It always makes me laugh when he does. It's the most impotent and weak response imaginable -- done by a guy who lacks the testicular fortitude to defend his own position. All it does is highlight his own idiocy while amusing me greatly.
  2. You're wrong. I've evolved quite a bit based on new information throughout my time on here. But you're always wrong -- so that's no shock. Keep on being an NPC and believing that thinking for one's self is overrated. He's always been a shill. He was just better at hiding it.
  3. It was also clearly coordinated with Wallace. She knew the question was coming, he likely tipped her off to it, she was prepared with a RIDICULOUS answer that any real journalist would have taken her to task for -- but Wallace is a bought and paid for asset. So he let her get away with it. ...Because Fox is as bad as the rest. Paul Ryan being on the board wasn't a coincidence or mistake. Just like his decision to leave office had nothing to do with him wanting to spend more time with his family and everything to do with him being forced out because he's dirty AF.
  4. ☝️ Thinks it's disgusting for a sitting president to stand up for constitutional rights of citizens under siege. Proving, beyond all doubt, that that hard hat ain't protecting anything valuable.
  5. More from Terrence on what Albwan shared above:
  6. It's not the virus who is trying to repeal the second amendment which is the issue. It's that governors (largely blue ones) are taking advantage of this lock down to enact measures they otherwise could not pass. Things that chip away at our liberties and rights. You may not see that as a problem, but millions do. What I take from this post is you learned nothing from 2001.
  7. I’m the same. I needed a haircut before this all started and had been putting it off.
  8. None of my knowledge re No Name comes from 45. It comes from first hand conversations with people who served with him — on top of a much broader set of facts and ties to really ***** bad people and organizations.
  9. He sold his stake in his own company. He’s name only now (brand name) — which is the literal definition of selling out. I say this as a guy who never read Drudge — still don’t.
  10. No Name is not who you think he was. He was an enemy of this country on nearly every level, and on humanity itself. He never served his country, he exploited it, over and over again. But this particular NPC talking point is engrained by this stage, no turning back. And certainly no time for things like facts, history when you’ve been conditioned to not question the narrative. What 45 said about him was nice all else considered.
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1251700392544686081
  12. Drudge sold to a foreign press company many months ago. And immediately became a never trump site. just FYI.
  13. Had almost that same conversation with my brother more than once over the past three years. Though he blames Miller over Mnuchin.
  14. ☝️ Still doesn't understand what discernment is, why it matters, and how to apply it to his own consumption of information. (because he's not a big thinker)
  15. Click on the image to get the full meme
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