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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Brennan just puckered. He knows Clapper will roll on him in a second to save his own skin.
  2. It'll be before November. That's about all I got.
  3. And yet you use the same wordings, same ***** logic, and dishonest arguments that he does. ***** off now and do your own homework. Or, better yet, stay in the fetal position scared of inanimate objects while lying to the rest of us about your actual identity.
  4. ... So, probably closer to 6pm
  5. It's coming. But not until the other FISA shoe drops.
  6. Such a coward. Got (multiple) former handles run off for his blisteringly dishonest manner of discussion, and is back again to wow us all with his love of the establishment and hatred of thinking for one's self. The King of the asshats returns. Until he runs away (again) after being embarrassed.
  7. Note the JA tactic: Can't refute the evidence -- so change the topic to the absurd. Keep protecting those monsters who prey on children, JA. You're doing a service to your masters. (See, I can do it too)
  8. Still running from logic. Still pushing fear. Still protecting those who are enemies of humanity because he's too stupid and programmed to know better. Oops. From the ultra right leaning LA Times no less. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-stokes-assault-weapon-ban-20180301-story.html Again, keep pushing ignorance and fear of an inanimate object as if you're the smartest guy in the room. Then run away from your words, change screen names (again) and try it all again. Sad person, who's pushing the enemy's talking points without knowing it because he'd rather have his feelings validated than grapple with the truth.
  9. The assault weapon ban did not end gun violence in any statistically significant manner. You're wrong. Again. All the way. But please, tell us how you want to go back to old policies, which didn't work, to combat your fear of an inanimate object.
  10. Because he gets his information from the media rather than actual sources.
  11. Cooper proving again that he's nothing more than a mockingbird.
  12. Re-instituting something that did nothing to stop gun violence is the way to go ... to prevent gun violence. Dynamite logic.
  13. He accidentally included his ShareBlue and MediaMatters checks in his calculation
  14. I look forward to this being proven wrong, as is fated with all @jrober38 declarations.
  15. Why stop being wrong when you can highlight your own lack of prescience with posts like this?
  16. Go back two weeks and remember Barr coming out of the shadows to give interviews on this topic. Then we've had a constant drip-drip-drip of declassification happening of bombshells within the OIG report... Think it's all just a coincidence? Or portending something coming down the pike?
  17. Know what the fool does when he hears the truth? He laughs.
  18. The point, with @jrober38 specifically, is that he's always wrong. He got this wrong. He got Trump/Russia wrong. He got Trump/Ukraine wrong. He's driven purely by fear and a toxic swill of disinformation funneled into what's left of his brain by a corrupt media complex. He's had multiple opportunities to learn from his mistakes, but rather than doing so, he continually doubles down on them. Removing any doubt that he's a serious person, with any sense of reality or what's actually happening in the world on any given day. Highlighting his hysteria is a public service to those who might be feeling similar to him. It's intent is to show them how fear makes you stupid. And stupid people do stupid things. Which, in a pandemic, is how you end up dead.
  19. ... Kind of like what happens when you lock down the country out of fear for weeks on end? The fact you can't even see your own hypocrisy should be staggering, but it's not. It's perfectly on brand for you. Because he's completely irrational and driven by fear.
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