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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Still not one reporter has asked Boris what he took
  2. Proving you're too dumb even to fact check yourself. Once again, perfectly on brand for you.
  3. Not once. Based on your own words you've been a fool your entire life.
  4. ☝️ This is not true. But facts have never stopped Gary from protecting evil people from doing evil things.
  5. Case in point: This isn't opinion, this is based on primary source analysis and he's shared the receipts -- At times. But again, it's never about them. They make it easy to expose their ignorance in a manner that (I hope) is educational to others who may have heard similar BS spewn as fact. If not from their friends, then from the media. My goal has always been to share information which others here can take and vet for themselves. It's never been to get anyone to believe me or another nameless, faceless, person. That road leads to disinformation.
  6. And it ignores that those citizen journalists (some who aren't that at all but instead are wired in insiders) share OS evidence, not just their take. It's the OS evidence that's of note, not their opinion on it. Though, if you look at their coverage (and my own) over the last four years you see they're right FAR more than they're wrong on this topic. Why? Because they had the audacity to look for themselves.
  7. That's because you're not an independent thinker and a useful idiot. You THINK you came up with that yourself, yet it's word for word the pablum that was being tossed around by every CCP cut out in the media and in China just a few weeks ago. You're not original. You prove that with your insults from 5 years ago.
  8. You're wrong. You provided a Politico link -- who has gotten this story more wrong than they've gotten it right over the past several years. I've never once posted a Jones link -- other than to mock him Instead I provide links from journalists who've proven to be correct on this story, and thousands of primary source material like FISC opinion memos, congressional testimony, and court filings. Try again.
  9. Only, it's not. It's word for word from the CCP playbook. Things you'd know if you bothered to vet your information. But each post you makes proves you don't take the time to do that. Which is why you continue to be so misinformed and eager to fall back on talking points. Try thinking for yourself. It's hard. It's scary. But you can do it if you try.
  10. This is a literal word for word deflection straight from the CCP talking points which flooded the media about three weeks ago. Useful/useless idiots abound.
  11. The message is wrong. Everyone projects -- that's a fact. 99% of people are unaware they're doing so while doing it. This is where discernment comes in, and learning how to hone your own discernment has been the bedrock note I've tried to give for the past four years. Once you've improved your own discernment, you can better avoid projection because you're much more aware of it. In this case, B-Man is not projecting. He's describing accurately your own ignorance on this topic (and many others). What's being discussed here has moved from a "conspiracy theory" (the label used for two years) into just a good old fashion conspiracy. One backed by reams of evidence and OS information which anyone can read and vet for themselves. You've never taken the time to do any of that, because you're happy being mislead by the proven liars in the media whom you rely upon. That's a you problem. And why you're so deeply, and profoundly lost.
  12. Incorrect. But, had you posted something accurate I think the entire fabric of space and time would have unraveled out of sheer shock.
  13. Note the tactic: Rather than deal with the information shared by Buffalo_Gal, or this thread, he immediately moves to a talking point that's off topic. Why? Because people like the above aren't interested in truth unless that truth confirms what they've already been told to believe.
  14. Just proves you're not a real Bills fan if you don't know where the name comes from. Thanks, JA, for once again proving you're a clown.
  15. All you need to do is read this thread -- or a few posts above yours -- to see how bad the information you just posted truly is. None of the sources rely on Jones. Not one. Unlike your sources, I don't get them from middle men. I rely on primary source material, which is damning on this matter. It's okay to admit you were fooled into thinking Trump/Russia was real. But it's embarrassing to cling to that narrative today with all that's known in OS.
  16. I know. You'd rather defend people like Schiff, Ed Buck, Epstein, Weinstein, Clinton etc. Because you're a bad person, who doesn't care if bad things are done to innocent people so long as you're kept in the dark about it all. That's why you continue to lose.
  17. You got nothing left, do you? By, JA. See you on your next handle.
  18. ☝️ Tired from his work defending pedos, Gary is now back to a 2016 talking point. It's sad how desperate he is to protect evil.
  19. The context is it makes your point laughably absurd. But it would take honesty and a working frontal lobe to realize how much it destroys your talking point (which is downloaded straight from the identity politics spigot).
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