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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Considering this is also the first way they framed it (through the lens of RACISM!): I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're doing damage control. Though, there's probably going to be TONS of "fake" images of supposed hacked emails pushed by real bad actors... they'll hope to drown out the signal with noise. And then, it won't be long before Cuomo goes on CNN to tell viewers it's illegal to read them for yourself.
  2. Correct... which should tell you all you need to know about the motivations of the FBI leadership in that moment. They didn't want to stand beside the dossier they knew (BACK IN JANUARY OF 2017) to be bunk, but they DID want to use it as part of their application to the FISC. Not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times.
  3. I'm not asking you, or anyone, to take my word for it. Unlike you, I can back this all up with primary source information you can then vet for yourself. And it's funny you're not answering the question. Clearly you must remember the details of the Trump Tower meeting since you're SO convinced it wasn't a set up, right? Heck, you could even Google her name to find out... but rather than do the bare minimum of work for yourself, you cut and run. Why? Because you're scared you'll learn something that challenges your position.
  4. That is disputing your charge. And guess what, they were and I can (and have) proven that with evidence. Question: Who did Don Jr. meet with in the now infamous Trump Tower meeting? Do you remember her name?
  5. So, rather than dispute the facts I laid out, you run away with an insult. Why? Because you've been badly lied to about this topic. For years. So much so you can't even fathom how wrong your baseline opinion on this issue is.
  6. You're wrong. And exposing that you didn't read the report itself, only the (incorrect) headlines. Note the threads above going through the actual document (which you dismissed as opinion). It shows where you're wrong. Trump/Russia was never real. The Senate confirms this. That wasn't something Mollie covered and got wrong. She covered it and got it right. The real question to ask is not how many meetings Team Trump had with "Russian linked operatives" -- but how many of those meetings were set up by the DNC/Obama White House/USIC? The answer, when you look: EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. That's a problem for the narrative that they've never been able to deny.
  8. The report has been out for all to read since January 2017. You're exposing how little you know about this topic -- yet you're making (hilariously wrong) statements as if they're facts. Who's gotten the Trump/Russia story right every step of the way. But details. You judge a source by the place they work. I judge a source based on their track record of accuracy. One is smart, the other is real dumb.
  9. This goes here too... Haven't seen any docs yet, but the early reports (which tend to be sensationalized) are going to make things bumpy.
  10. Oh boy... this could get ugly.
  11. Hmmm... Guessing there's much more to this that will come out.
  12. I know. It's unfathomable to someone as ignorant as you that someone would know their history. But keep on pushing the "double dumb ass on you!" insults. It's working for you
  13. ☝️ Again -- has not said one word about Google, or the actual perpetrators. Instead, he's advocated keeping it in the shadows so more kids can be abused while lashing out at the wrong people. Why? Because Gary is a bad person who'd rather let kids get abused than face hard truths about himself. That's what Gary stands for. And has stood for, for the past four years going on five. Defending those who prey on children so that his own cognitive dissonance remains unperturbed.
  14. You mean this book of yours? Or, to put it another way: every complaint about the president requires mind reading on the part of the interpreter. Which is why you and others have been so wildly wrong at every single turn.
  15. Something he literally never said about the virus. But again, you're not even informed enough to realize when you're channeling the CCP with your "original" thoughts I've never seen someone SO proud to be misinformed than you. It's a talent, JA.
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