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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. He can’t. He’s a slave to his TDS.
  2. ? He can’t escape his own words. And rather than defend them, or even apologize for them, he runs away. Which is what he does with every important topic down here. Why? Because he’s an ally to evil. He’s an ally to those who abuse others. He spends HOURS a day protecting them down here, running interference and disinformation — all to make sure his own cognitive dissonance remains undisturbed. It’s more than sad. It’s pernicious.
  3. He said he can. Not he does. Words matter and you keep getting them wrong — because you’re driven by feelz rather than fact. Harvey was an open secret in Hollywood for years and years. Everyone knew. No one said anything because he had a “pig pass”.
  4. ? He knows what he’s doing is wrong, that’s why he’s so embarrassed by his own words that he must run from them each and every time. He must shift the topic to the absurd, all to run from his own grotesqueness. Gary would rather the FBI and USIC get a free pass to do whatever they wish to our civil liberties, so long as his world view doesn’t have to change. That makes him a lousy citizen and even worse hypocrite. Gary would rather let the child abusers of the worlds continue their evil trade. Hell, Gary will spend hours down here cheering it on by obfuscating those discussions time and time again in an attempt to steer a conversation away from exposure of evil to something less threatening to his world view. Even if that means kids getting hurt in the process Why? Because Gary is a bad person. He’s the type who’d sit on a corner and watch a child get snatched and then pretend it didn’t happen just so his cognitive dissonance didn’t get bumped. It’s pathetic. Sad. And being complicit with the worst kind of evil on this planet. He’s bragging about who he is and what he stands for. Remember that.
  5. ? Can’t argue the point, or facts, so shift the topic to the absurd. Gary’s dishonest move since day one. He uses that move to cover for all sorts of evil, because he’s rather that evil continue unabated than have to admit he got something wrong once. That’s blue ribbon level cowardice.
  6. ? Wrong about every position he’s taken on this matter. He won’t admit it — but he will go out of his way to defend the indefensible at every turn, whether that be FBI agents who break the law for partisan reasons (Gary loves that) or pedos around the world trafficking kids for their own pleasure (Gary loves defending that too). He’s a bad person who would rather live in ignorance, even at the expense of innocent lives, so long as his world view remains unperturbed. Cowardly. Uninformed And an ally of the worst evil imaginable. That’s Gary’s legacy in PPP. Remember that when thinking of responding to his screed.
  7. “Something total inappropriate said” — is not a physical act of abuse. The asshat who started this claimed those words constituted an assault in and of themselves. They didn’t. Which is the point. You said he committed an assault — and then to prove that you point to words he said with a man while no women were present. And those words didn’t say “I did it”, they said he “COULD” do it. Words matter. Context matters. Unless you’re you — someone driven by feels and emotion rather than fact. TDS is toxic when left unchecked. Do better.
  8. You said he committed sexual assault when he didn’t. Unless you are saying two men talking in private constitutes a sexual assault on a female who was not even present. But details. Stick with those FEELZ over facts. It’s served you well and hasn’t left you hilariously broken. Proof of how great you’re doing cognitively with your approach to information More proof you’re beyond hope with this attempted spin: No one thought Harvey was joking. Because he didn’t joke, or talk, he did. Difference.
  9. ? Has been laughably wrong on this topic for 4 years. Rather than learn from his errors, or admit to them, he’d rather laugh and defend the indefensible. Why? Because he’s a bad person that fights for pedos and encourages a rogue FBI and USIC just so he can feel better about his own ignorance. Don’t be like Gary. Be better than a man who stands up to be counted with everything this country was meant to oppose.
  10. Not a single one of them were charged, let alone convicted of any crimes involving the 2016 election and working with or on Russia's behalf. That's reality. That's not opinion. You can read (but won't) each and every filing, on each and every case, including the charging documents for yourself to see that. And you instantly make it partisan when it's not. Which helps you convince yourself that you don't have to look any further because it's just "a republican thing". It's not. It's about whether or not we live in an actual democratic republic, or merely the illusion of one. You're happy with the illusion, that's clear. But it's still just that. A trick. And they got you. Goooooood. ****************************** This is new -- and there's a lot here. As always, posting for the link to the primary source documents themselves. https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/judicial-watch-emails-suggest-obama-fbi-knew-mccain-leaked-trump-dossier/ Judicial Watch: Emails Suggest Obama FBI Knew McCain Leaked Trump Dossier (even more than that is in here)
  11. I'm sharing information with my fellow citizens, that's what I've been doing with this research for all that time. It started as a book (my day job), then when it became decidedly dangerous for me to continue in the solitary manner I was, I began passing off my research to friends/coworkers/journalists who had bigger platforms. All of which has been shared on here and elsewhere, many, many times. My interest has always been in truth, not a partisan outcome. I love my country, and the people in it, and believe it's my duty as a citizen to share the truth as best I can discern it. So I'm not hiding at all. It's all been discussed, in multiple threads -- including this one. Your turn. Show your work. Define what you consider to be an "operative", then give me your top 10 list of meetings which occurred.
  12. I've done four years of research, including traveling multiple times to DC, London (and more) to interview people with first hand knowledge. You made a statement and were asked to back it up. That's not asking you to do research for me, it's asking you to show your work. Yet you won't. Why? Could it be because you don't know this subject as well as you claim? Again, there's ZERO shame in admitting you got this story wrong. Millions did, because it was the product of an extensive information/disinformation campaign waged by the most sophisticated and omnipresent intelligence apparatus in human history. Where there is shame to be found is in clinging to a fake narrative while refusing to examine new evidence for yourself. Back up what you said. It's PPP 101.
  13. Brett Braier is in the press room for Fox today instead of Roberts. Expect a terrible question to follow from him.
  14. I have one. And you still haven't answered the direct question asked of you: Why can't you list them? Is it because... you don't know them?
  15. ☝️ Tactic of a weak mind: can't argue the topic at hand, shift the topic to the absurd.
  16. He was taking action though. That's where you're wrong. Don't conflate tapping down panic through public statements with being the same as the actions taken by him and the task force throughout Jan-March prior to the lock down. You said it best earlier -- there's blame enough to go around. But leaving China out of that discussion is disingenuous at best.
  17. More hits on Brennan.... it's a laser pointer as to where Durham is headed. ************** Comey never learns:
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