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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Isaac Asimov Trump is the standard-bearer of anti-intellectualism. Says the guy who's spent four years running from evidence and fact while guzzling off the teet of the MSM who are proven liars and manipulators. Says the guy who was SO offended by people sharing facts and information that ran counter to his programming that he tried (and failed) to doxx those who dared step out of line. That's the same guy who posted the above. He's too stupid to understand what he is. And what he is is a prog-fascist NPC.
  2. ☝️ False. But again, Gary's been wrong at every turn on this story. Intentionally so. He'd rather cover up for crooked FBI agents and USIC officials who break the law and threaten our republic than hold them accountable -- because he's a bad person. Just like he'd rather cover up for elite pedophile rings and allow more and more children to be abused so long as his world view isn't forced to shift. Gary's not only wrong, he's proudly defending the worst elements of humanity because it's easier for him. Forget the victims. Forget the constitution. Forget the future. Gary cares not for any of those.
  3. When the people who lied to you, for four years about Trump being a Russian asset, continue to lie to you and you keep believing them -- it tells you all you need to know about your level of understanding on this topic.
  4. It's funny how you run away from discussing topics which are uncomfortable to your cognitive dissonance. Rather than engage with the topic, assured in the superiority of your position, and see what evidence the other side has before judging. But nope. You'd rather run away and plug your ears and pretend it's all "deep state swamp" nonsense. That's a dangerous way to try to navigate these times. It only assures you're forever under-informed.
  5. It's not. By any metric. She spent the most money -- and still lost. She tried to cheat -- and still lost. She had the entire MSM in her pocket, plus every celebrity and entertainer -- and still lost.
  6. But there isn't an option C. There's only A or B. And the answer is the media. They've purposefully distorted and clipped Trump's words to inflame the situation many, many, many times. Not to unite the country, but to divide it. Intentionally so.
  7. I did read it. In full. You didn't, you read headlines which missed the point of the document itself and the fact that the Senate Intel Committee has always been the swampiest committee on the Hill.
  8. The government didn't give back slavery willingly. A war was needed and over half a million dead.
  9. Feel better now that you got that all off your chest? Don't worry. Day cares will be opening in phase 2. It's right around the corner.
  10. That's the programming. Who's been more divisive: Trump or the media? There's only one right answer. Trump had ZERO Russian help per Mueller and every other congressional report that's come out. Zero. Then you clearly didn't understand what you read. Which isn't a surprise.
  11. She's the worst candidate ever to run for POTUS. Ever. Proof is, she lost to a sweet potato with a comb over despite having the FBI, DOJ, White House, CIA, MI6 all doing illegal operations to assure her victory. It takes talent to lose a race that rigged. But she did.
  12. This is true. But take it further. I assume that you weren't a fan of W, would that be correct? Ask yourself then, what did it take for the Clinton camp, the Bush camp, and the Obama camp all to join forces? A common enemy in Trump. The enemy of my enemy (which the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas certainly are) is my friend. Trump is not as bad as the media has been screaming since day one. He's not a Nazi. He's not a warmonger. He's not an authoritarian. He's a literal centrist democrat from 1999... yet he's painted as if he's the second coming of Hitler. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why that is? Why is the media so empowered today to throw away any guise of objectivity in order to attack the sitting president. They didn't do that for Bush (some did, but there was a balance). They didn't do that for Clinton (some did, but there was a balance). They didn't do that for Obama (some did, but there was a balance). So why has Trump thrown them all so out of balance? Because he's not who they've told you he is.
  13. She lost -- despite having the USIC, FBI, DOJ, White House, MI6, and most of 5-Eyes trying to influence the election on her behalf. She lost because she was a terrible candidate. The worst to ever run. And she represented the establishment which people are tied of -- for numerous good reasons. Biden is the same candidate as HRC, only somehow worse because he can't run on being the first woman. The establishment has learned nothing. Because they don't care about the people. Only power.
  14. It's not as unoriginal as that.
  15. I can't believe (but totally can believe) that his media team let him go on the internet with white signs. It's like they don't understand the internet (they don't), and they don't understand why Trump won last time (they don't) or why he'll win again. November is going to be HILARIOUS.
  16. I won't speak for GG, but yes. I didn't vote for him, didn't take him seriously, and presumed (even prognosticated) that HRC would win in a walk. When that was proven to be wrong, and he won, rather than panic and overreact, I opted to study the man closely instead. Not just his words, but his actions and how he would govern. And if you go by his record, and especially who his enemies are (the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas -- the entire establishment in DC who have stolen from us, poisoned us, and led us into 20 years of endless war and recession), you see quickly that he's not as bad as the media claims. Once you get to that stage of your development, you can start to ask why then is the media so up in arms, calling a man a Nazi who literally has been a centralist democrat his entire life (and is governing like one today). You've never gotten to that point. Because you're driven by emotion not reason. That's why you're losing.
  17. No, my proof is I work in the industry, asshat. I turned down three separate jobs with Harvey's company because of his reputation and what I witnessed first hand (which was his treatment of others) -- and that was before I was even really awake.
  18. Yes. Many. Bill Gates is the wrong kind of ally to have. He flew on Epstein's jet to his island many times before and after his first arrest. Gates is not who you think he is.
  19. There's never been a better example of the left being unable to meme than this:
  20. It's funny -- considering how often I've heard you discuss Obama's many, many, many crimes while in office.
  21. See. It's hilarious to see how quickly the "cult" label was disseminated from the press to their viewers, now to here. All the while those using it fail to see the inherent projection of their accusation.
  22. Based on who posted it, that's not a shock. He's been wrong at every turn because he continues to rely on poor sources for his information. See? Using the MSM/DNC approved talking point of "cult" (Check) Believes fully, without checking for himself, the information passed to him by the MSM/DNC (Check) Doesn't understand what a cult is or that he's in one (Check) It's REAL easy to spot broken brains. Kemp's has been broken long before most others though.
  23. It's a high risk dick measuring contest.
  24. You just proved my point -- and that you're being intentionally dishonest about what happened. "You CAN do anything" -- then, he lists an extreme example. That's the pattern of typical big talk. TALK. Not assault. TALK between two men. Classless? Yup. An actual assault? Nope. You're wrong. And you just proved it. A pig pass is a Hollywood term of art. It means people like Harvey were known #######s, but allowed to be so because they paid the right money to the right people and causes. In other words, nothing or no one is more hypocritical than a Hollywood Progressive. They turned a blind eye to Harvey because he voted their way. That's it. Not because they cared about his victims or decorum, but only about partisanship. Be better than them. Be better than Harvey. Be a person of principles. What's this hot nonsense? Can't defend your point so you shift to another topic -- and then bungle that one?
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