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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Except his conviction in a court of law for those crimes...
  2. He didn't perjure himself. He spent 27 hours before congress testifying with everyone trying to get him to do precisely that -- but he didn't. Because meeting with people claiming to have dirt on your opponent isn't a crime. Even if they're Russians.
  3. It was an open secret to the point of being a running punchline on multiple shows. Because you had multiple actresses, assistants, and producers relaying their stories to their set-families day in and day out. Not sure why you're going so far out of your way to defend a man who was convicted guilty of these crimes by a jury.
  4. That's your mistake. The left and right aren't your friends, and never should be the arbiters of truth. This is about individual empowerment and knowledge. When both sides are screaming at you not to look deeper into something, even while using different methods to make their point, that's when you absolutely SHOULD dive in full bore.
  5. I believe Don Jr went into the meeting hoping to get dirt on his father's opponent. The meeting was designed to bait him with just that promise. (But that also is not illegal)
  6. By some "funny business", you do realize you mean the highest ranking FBI officials in the FBI's most powerful division (the counter intelligence division, the FBI's espionage shop), all conspired to illegally surveil the political opposition on behalf of a sitting US president -- in violation of numerous laws and the constitution itself. The intent was not to merely illegally spy on 44's opposition, but to illegally frame him for a crime he did not commit which they knew he did not commit. This was done to a rich, successful man running for POTUS. If they could do it to a man with that much exposure on him, what do you think they could do to you? Or me? This is much more sinister than over-eager cops with hunches. And it's about much more than Trump or partisan politics. It's about whether or not we live in an actual democratic republic, or merely the illusion of one.
  7. This is an excellent question. I still have some hope for daz -- let's see if it's merited.
  8. This is all an elaborate marketing ploy by Tibs... he's created all these alts, had them run amok on the board for weeks until the rest of the regulars pull out their hair and PINE for the days when Tibs was the only village idiot. THAT'S when he'll return to applause. It's a dastardly plot!
  9. No. I saw Harvey humiliate his own employees on a hot set for no reason. Then, at another time, I watched Harvey berate a 20 year old intern for daring to walk between him and a producer while on set. Harvey was a bad guy every day he worked in this town. And he was constantly excused because he supported the right causes and politicians (and he could make other people famous).
  10. He didn't admit to doing something, as has been pointed out time and time again. He said he COULD do something. That's not a crime in this country.
  11. You still think there's a difference between establishment dems and establishment republicans. There isn't. That's why Bush joined forces with Clinton and Obama immediately to attack Trump. He's not a republican. He's something different. But calling the Mueller report a republican document betrays how lost you actually are on this topic.
  12. You know how you tell when a man has lost himself? When he has to lie about what people said just so he can argue against a position never taken. You should feel bad. But you don't because you're a good little NPC.
  13. They didn't interfere on Trump's behalf. That's not backed by evidence -- despite the headlines today trying to fool you into thinking that. The Russians bought 100k worth of ads that intended to favor chaos, not Trump or Clinton. They favored dividing us, not pushing us one way or the other. This is Russian GRU/FSB tactics 101. He was an active western intelligence source. Meaning they knew who he was, what he was doing, and who he was working for since the 90s. No one inside US intelligence thought he was a Russian operative. That's a canard. Who set that meeting up? Do you know? It wasn't Trump. It wasn't the Russians. It was British intelligence (through a music producer tied to Richard Dearlove). Who did the Russian lawyer meet with immediately before the meeting took place and then again immediately after? Do you know? It was a man named Glenn Simpson. Do you know who he is? Do you also know that he testified to this fact? Who was the only other person in the room who wasn't a Russian or a Trump team member? Do you know? The interpreter. Do you know who the interpreter worked for at the State Department for years? Clinton. Back to that Russian lawyer, do you know that she was barred from entering the country before that meeting by the US State Department? And did you know that in order to make that meeting with Don Jr she needed an emergency VISA request granted by the State Department just to enter the country? Did you also know she got one, overnight, at the request of the Obama Administration? That entire meeting was a set up. From top to bottom. Started by MI6, cultivated by Fusion GPS, and aided by the US State Department. Those are all facts. Not speculations. How many were you aware of before? Honestly...
  14. This could be, and I'm just spit balling here, because of the fact YOU keep calling actual evidence "alt-right conspiracy theories". Like you did with the FISC opinion memo which you've still yet to read: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf That's evidence. Not an op ed. Not a news article citing unknown sources and methods. You have run from it for 22 days now. Why?
  15. On a "slam dunk case" that wouldn't be necessary. Again, you're working against your own point. Because you're SO misinformed that your cognitive dissonance is causing you actual pain to reconsider your position. But you should. Because I promise you that you've got it entirely backwards and upside down.
  16. I've never denied Russians tried to interfere. Not once. They bought 100k worth of digital ads on Facebook. That's proven. But that's all they did. Those Russian connections you're mentioning aren't real. Sater was a western asset. Not a Russian asset. Like Downer. Like Mifsud. Like Halper. The meeting at Trump Tower was arranged with the US State Department's blessing, and on Fusion GPS's dime. That's not a Russian operation, that's a western intelligence operation. Who was running the western intelligence apparatus at that time? It wasn't Putin.
  17. Note again: he just posted a lie, got called out for doing so -- rather than acknowledge he made a mistake, he runs from it and obfuscates. Because Gary is a weak and sad person who'd rather let kids get abused than admit he's wrong.
  18. Everything posted in that post is true. He did try to doxx me. He continues to get information from proven liars. That you'd find that offensive is totally on brand for you, JA. You've been wrong for years and as always, afraid of an honest discussion.
  19. If it was slam dunk -- why did the FBI have to lie on not one, but four FISA applications? Care to answer? Or are you going to run away from this like you've run away from everything else in this thread?
  20. ☝️ Still wrong -- the case remains open. There was never any confirmation from Huber's office. From the source: "Though the assignment has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or to lawmakers" But again, Gary's been wrong each and every step here. And he continues to push information he knows to be false as fact because it covers up for the people who actually committed crimes against this country. Gary wants to protect them. Like he wants to protect pedos like Epstein. Not because he wants more kids to be harmed, but because he'd rather kids get harmed than his own world view have to change. That's the sign of a coward. A despicable coward who sits back and lets evil happen while pretending it's not. Don't be Gary. Be better than Gary.
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