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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. ☝️ Might be the best example yet of the left being unable to meme
  2. I'm suggesting he's yet to post a single meaningful thing in his time down here. Nor have you. Which is why ya'll get along. Trolls through and through.
  3. This should be one of several major takeaways from this ordeal, right up there with: 1) The media is an adversary to truth, not an ally 2) Fear is a tool used to get people to give up common sense and constitutional rights And, the most important lesson of all:
  4. Quick -- don't you have some memes to post and basic facts to bungle? You're slipping.
  5. I read it as the data is improving to the point of opening the door for new therapeutics which can be brought to market quicker than expected.
  6. What's unintentionally funny about the decidedly lame "list" joke JA has going on, is that it's so lame and uninspired not even he can remember who's on what list or which lists he's got running. It's like a stand up who forgets his own punchline -- but rather than moving on to a new joke he asks the audience to stand by while he tries to figure it out. A smarter person would take that note as a sign to change up their material. But based on his posting history to date, expecting something intelligent from him (or honest) is probably expecting too much.
  7. ☝️ It's hard to be Gary. It's hard to spend years of your life defending the indefensible -- yet he's done it. He's dedicated his spare time to helping assure more children are abused and trafficked because Gary has no problem with it happening. Says everything you need to know about the "man".
  8. ☝️ Imagine the type of "man" it takes to spend days of his life in the basement of the internet, working diligently to obscure, hide, and mock anything that brings to light one of the great plagues of this planet. Imagine the type of person that thinks it's his job to defend human trafficking and child abuse. That's Gary. And rather than be honest about it, he's in full fledged meltdown mode today. And it's a sight to behold. But no matter how much he tries to run, his record is clear. Gary is an enabler of the worst kind of evil on this planet. The sort of man who's fine with kids being abused right in front of him so long as he doesn't have to talk about it. Men like Gary have short lifespans because that kind of karma is toxic.
  9. ☝️ Melt down continues. That's what happens when you spend all your free time defending and covering up crimes against children. Don't be Gary. Not even Gary wants to be Gary.
  10. ☝️ Eager to point fingers at others while he covers up for pedos and traffickers. The sign of a broken man, with no soul, and less to offer the world.
  11. ☝️ Still in a full blown meltdown mode over the fact it's public knowledge that he's spent YEARS defending pedos and helping assure more children get raped and tortured. I'd say it's sad to see -- but it's not. It's earned. And his karmic tank is not even close to empty yet.
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