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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Was it more or less stupid than a certain poster filling up multiple threads for weeks that "MILLIONS ARE ABOUT TO DIE!"? Or....
  2. He won't. His job is to run interference for the pedos of the world, not call them out. He's been quite clear on that.
  3. Per the bolded (though I know you know this), it just shows that @oldmanfan was wrong about the media. They do that to present an image that's counter to reality to PROMOTE FEAR not FACT. It's SOP for media in times of crisis:
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8253577/Wife-CNN-host-Chris-Cuomo-mocked-saying-BATHED-Clorox-treat-coronavirus.html
  5. Agreed -- this is all the way wrong. They weren't duped. They sought it out because they were lying/breaking the law/executing a coup.
  6. apologies, I couldn't make it through the full five pages this morning. The romper room was too much.
  7. It wasn't Trump who said it -- it was Karl. The media said it. Then the media lied about who said it and pinned it on Trump. They did this in REAL TIME, in front of your faces... and ya'll still fell for it. Why?
  8. (******************************************( Flynn filing from this morning: ********************* And more on No Name -- who spent his last weeks of his life committing sedition (which is how he ALWAYS was because he was, and continues to remain, a vile POS) ***** No Name.
  9. Goes here too... Trump has the media literally arguing against the sun:
  10. Is chemotherapy not injecting poison into the body to fight a disease? Do doctors recommend that every day in this country? How many people need to be told not to drink ingredients of chemo? You're right, you can't fix stupid -- and everyone outraged about this is irredeemably stupid and/or not paying attention.
  11. They don't though. And haven't once. And what today's conniption fit is about is a media distortion not fact based. You're wrong. All the way.
  12. Only if you're a brain dead, TDS addled person were those comments anything other than Trump asking the doctor relevant questions.
  13. So much TDS in the past five pages. People never learn. And it's hilarious.
  14. Of course -- Bob is, again, wrong. 1) Trump was asking the doctor, not telling people to inject anything. 2) He never said drink bleach, or inject bleach. But when you're Bob, and you're a slave to the media's word (despite them lying to you for years and years) -- you get it all wrong. I mean, it not as if there aren't entire treatment remedies based around injecting poison into the body to treat it (chemo/radiation), and UV treatment is an actual thing in medicine for certain conditions as well. Note Cooper's contortion as the doctor he called on to dunk on Trump admits it was a good question: But dishonest people -- or those like Gene who haven't learned their lesson about the media yet -- move right from being embarrassed over the "sun" story, to now this. Why? Because TDS prevents one from thinking logically.
  15. New England trading back... some things never change.
  16. I missed it. Now it's perfect.
  17. I expected a painting of a tall ship somewhere to be honest. But otherwise, it's exactly what I expect
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