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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Wrong. Flashback to under an hour ago -- note your position changing, each and every time: (***************************) And now you've moved to suggesting he said to start injecting bleach immediately (which he never said), to admitting he was talking about the docs running clinical trials with the new twist that it's irresponsible to talk about something that might be years away. Your entire position has shifted -- and you think you're being honest? What people need is an honest media. And we don't have it. You're falling for their tricks, again, and doing it willingly. Be better. Be smarter.
  2. And yet -- you keep posting clipped versions of the quote and lying about what he said. You're wrong. I've proven it many times now. Yet you're still clinging to your delusion because you don't want to admit it. That's fine. But it's transparent.
  3. Again, no one suggested the fantasy you're pushing. Not Trump. Not the doctor. Trump, in fact, was asking about clinical trials under doctor's care. But -- who needs facts and details when you have a talking point to push?
  4. NO ONE suggested doing that. Not Trump. Not the doctor. No one but KARL and the MEDIA suggested it. So maybe your anger is misplaced? Maybe, again, you're being led astray by a dishonest media who KNOWS you're too stupid to question them, even when they lie to your face about facts you can vet for yourself?
  5. You're so full of it. I've literally posted the entire quote multiple times. The one who's parsing is you. Because you know your position is built on bullshite, it's being shown to you, yet you're still calling it concrete. Because you're not being honest.
  6. You mean... kind of like Trump is asking the doctor here? "So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with." Meaning, he's saying it needs to be studied. Bottom line: chemo is poison, and it's being injected every day (safely) by doctors. You can't change that fact. It's MORE ridiculous to argue he said something he didn't -- which you're still doing. Oh, and there are plenty of UV treatments out there right now. You're wrong. Again, all the way wrong.
  7. Why must you constantly lie to try to make your point. You don't even realize you're doing it, I'm sure. He was asking a question of the doctor, not instructing them to do anything. Again, you've moved from: He told people to "drink" bleach, to admitting he didn't. Now you're suggesting he instructed a doctor to do something he didn't. Your entire position is built on bullshite. And I keep showing it to you. Rather than admit that it's bullshite, you smell it and call it concrete. That doesn't make you right. It makes you wildly incorrect.
  8. So the answer then would have been yes, yes we inject poisons into the body to fight disease. It happens every day around the world, not just in this country.
  9. They were already dying too. This is a major issue for the industry.
  10. Considering you've had to twist the statement into something that resembles fiction more than fact, I think you're wrong. And stretching. Because you're eager to dunk on Trump and have stopped thinking for yourself. It's a sad, dangerous way to operate when the media has proven to be manipulators on this very subject.
  11. ☝️ Proving he doesn't think for himself. Took someone else asking why he hasn't called out Biden for him to call out Biden. Brainless agent for evil. That's all he is. She's the only pick that could make an impact on the election. But she won't do it. Every other pick is a loser for No Chance Joe.
  12. Does injecting chemotherapy (a poison) fight cancer? Yeah, you're making yourself look real bad here. Next you'll be arguing that the sun doesn't provide health benefits.
  13. WRONG. He asked the DOCTOR if the DOCTOR thinks that's possible. Trump didn't suggest anything. What's dumb is taking a statement and twisting it into something else entirely then claiming it's truth. Don't be like that. Be better than that.
  14. And yet, you're letting them twist this very topic. Check yourself.
  15. Why keep posting truncated clips instead of what he fully said? Is it because your position is built on bullshite? Yes, yes it is: You said he told people to drink it -- he didn't. You were wrong. Was he talking to the people in that statement? Or asking questions of a medical expert? Does that make a difference? You bet it does -- unless you're being dishonest as you are and trying to score points rather than deal with truth.
  16. Because he didn't say what you're saying he said. And he didn't imply it either. Why are you being dishonest about it instead of dealing with the actual facts? Because his goal is to obfuscate for evil. That requires getting marching orders first. If you think he thinks for himself, you haven't been paying attention to his screed.
  17. So, he didn't say to drink it. Thanks for proving my point. Again, keep thinking you're interested in facts. Only, he didn't. Why not look at what he actually said and who he said it to? Is it because doing proves your position is built on bullshite?
  18. An unforced error by No Chance Joe in his eagerness to appease the identity politics wing of his party.
  19. No one suggested drinking bleach. But keep thinking you're focused on the facts.
  20. But this is about the media being truthful, not a partisan talking point coordinated among the media and the loudest spox for the DNC.... Remember -- both those women lost to him. So, what does that say about their abilities?
  21. Sound. Asleep. (and irreparably dumb -- even for a sock puppet account)
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