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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Clinical trials are ongoing. But you knew that, right?
  2. It's your record. It's what you stand for, and continue to stand for. You could change that, Gary. With a few simple words and action. You've had years to reverse course -- but you've only gone deeper into their pockets. You're a disgusting, vile person who stands shoulder to shoulder with those who wish to harm children, this country, and our way of life. And I'll happily share this fact (not opinion, it's a FACT) every day you continue to post here.
  3. Because she said so. As did many other people. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/apr/17/rita-wilson-tom-hanks-coronavirus-choloroquine-covid https://nypost.com/2020/04/07/michigan-democrat-says-hydroxychloroquine-saved-her-life/ https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/mar/22/daniel-dae-kim-credits-hydroxychloroquine-coronavi/
  4. Because Gary is here to run interference for those who attacked our country and rape our children. That's who he cares about defending. That's why he's spent YEARS quickly rushing to mock, downplay, or outright lie about things in each and every thread that covers those topics. Every one. And now, this story breaks -- from a highly questionable journo, who got Russia all the way wrong (and who happens to be friends with Joe), and he RUSHES to push it. The actual story is a (very weak) attempt to shift the RIGHTFUL focus on Biden's corruption in China to Trump. It's the ONLY play they have left in their playbook: accuse others that of which you're guilty of. The reality is Trump's actions and policies w/r to China -- like Russia -- are the polar opposite of what you'd expect a paid asset to do. But that doesn't enter into Gary's mind because he doesn't care about truth or fact or history. He cares about protecting the enemies of humanity. Because Gary is a bad person. A dumb person who's sided with evil because it's easier than admitting he's gotten everything wrong.
  5. It saved Rita Wilson's life (and countless others). So, you know, pretty well. Sigh. You're better than this, shoshin.
  6. Once again -- pushing the latest talking point from the coup plotters and child rapists as if it's true. Because Gary's goal is to help their cause, not truth. Not children. Not the country. Don't be like Gary. Be a better person than someone who's stood up to be counted alongside the most evil people on this planet.
  7. I mean -- it's an impressive almost Darwin award winner.
  8. Because his goal is to run interference for the coup plotters and child traffickers of the world. He's been very clear about that for the past four years. Any chance he gets to demonstrate his own ignorance of fact, in favor of the narrative pushed by literal traitors, criminals, and child rapists, he RUSHES to. Gary is a bad person. He's not only dishonest, he's actively serving the cause of those who betray this country and torture children. A real man would be ashamed. But not Gary. He's proud of the work he's done on behalf of traffickers, coup plotters, and occultists everywhere.
  9. The hypocrisy is hilarious. And sad, because most don't realize they're being hypocrites since they're so misinformed (because they continue to think the media is an ally of truth).
  10. You mean gaslighting like: "TRUMP SAID TO DRINK BLEACH!"? Or maybe gaslighting like: "TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET!" Or maybe gaslighting like: "TRUMP STOLE THE ELECTION WITH PUTIN!" Or maybe gaslighting like: "TRUMP SAID HEAT AND SUNLIGHT WOULD KILL THE VIRUS -- HE WAS LYING!" ... Funny how you're fine being gaslight by the media so long as they cater to your anti-Trump opinion -- but when they're proven to not only be wrong, but KNOWINGLY wrong, you give them a pass. Principles you have not.
  11. It's coming. He's going to walk, and then be a VERY rich man.
  12. UV treatment has been used for a long time, mainly in depression -- but in other clinical ways as well. Again, you had people argue that the sun was bad yesterday just because Trump said something positive about it. People don't want truth or fact. They want their preformed opinions validated -- and thus they'll filter everything through that lens first. Which is why the TDS addled crew continues to embarrass themselves almost daily.
  13. And yet you keep twisting the words from what was said to something invented. I'm starting to suspect you don't really mean this statement. What you really mean is only the "approved" words matter. Sad way to live. In this country, as citizens, it's our job to hold leaders accountable. So it is our duty to try to "figure out what he means". What you're advocating here is the opposite of how this country is supposed to work for functioning adults. You mean, you hear what he says (through a media cut-out), then twist what was said to fit the narrative that same dishonest media is trying to manipulate you into believing. You got had. Big time. It's okay to admit it. It's sad to keep clinging to a mountain of bullshite and claim it's fact though.
  14. You continue to be wrong, about pretty much everything of consequence. Keep remaining plugged into the dishonest media complex, it's doing wonders for your cognitive abilities.
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8253577/Wife-CNN-host-Chris-Cuomo-mocked-saying-BATHED-Clorox-treat-coronavirus.html
  16. He's NEVER been precise. That's not a strength. Words DO matter, more so when one is imprecise. You have to carefully interpret them, that's not what the media has done. They've intentionally twisted it into something that sounds dangerous to make you and others afraid. You're helping that cause by the way. Do better. You've literally been twisting the narrative all morning. I've pointed out the times you've done it. Stop being dishonest and just face it. You got had by a dishonest media spinning a non story.
  17. "MILLIONS ARE GOING TO DIE!" (looks around -- millions haven't died) "TRUMP COULD HAVE KILLED MILLIONS!"
  18. Again -- you've shifted. Because you've been shown to be wrong again. Trump didn't tell people to inject themselves with bleach or disinfectants. He didn't tell them to drink bleach. He asked a doctor a medically relevant question about their ongoing studies. That's all that really happened. And -- because the media is dishonest, and aren't allies of truth, they spun it into something else entirely. And you fell for it. Because you're not thinking for yourself. Do better.
  19. Nope. I just listened to what he said: "So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with." He's talking about trials, under medical supervision. He says it without precision, but that's what he's saying.
  20. The overreaction would be amazing if it weren't so predictable.
  21. Flashback: just two weeks ago this poster was screaming in multiple threads that "MILLIONS WOULD DIE!" Now, we're going to be under 60k dead -- and that's proof that Trump provided no leadership? How did we get from millions dead to under 60k without it? Right. He can't answer. Because he's not a serious person and has been wrong on every subject for years down here.
  22. (but it's not a partisan attack/manipulation)
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