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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Learn your enemies. This guy is near the top of the list.
  2. Forcing people to wear masks when the data is incomplete is tyranny by any definition. Freedom isn't risk free. It never is and never will be.
  3. He's talking a lot about this today... (pretty sure he means Pulitzer)
  4. Because the data that says it will help get us back to normal is incomplete and wearing a mask is not returning to normalcy, it's a deviation from it to the absurd. And, in this country, we have a stubborn streak of enjoying freedom in the face of tyranny.
  5. Learn your enemies. It's (almost always) people you're told to trust.
  6. (Because driving is literally a privilege, not a right)
  7. ☝️ That would be a good point had I ever once said Cap was a traitor for exercising his right to protest. But when you can't argue the facts: lie. The Billsztime way.
  8. Oh, it does 100% Beyond what you already stated, the pandemic gives Joe/DNC a chance to change the format of the debates themselves, or cancel them entirely. Trump on stage vs Joe would be a disaster for Joe. They knew it before this started, now they have a convenient excuse to try to run from that slaughter. Plus, you have the push for national vote-by-mail (so they can cheat it). Enough of those advantages for Joe start to add up and soon you begin to stop wondering why so many in the DNC are pushing for extending the stay at home orders for as long as possible and why the goal posts have shifted from "we have to take a beat to make sure the hospitals aren't overwhelmed" to "we have to flatten the curve!" to now "we need everyone in the world to be tested every second of every day before we go back to normal". Though it doesn't need to be repeated for many on here, I'll say it again: Never forget that 44 orchestrated and attempted to execute a coup, using the CIA, FBI, DOJ, 5Eyes, and establishment media as political weapons. Joe rode shotgun for that operation. If they were so willing to fundamentally subvert the constitution for their own political goals, do we really think it's beyond their limits to weaponize a pandemic for the same goal?
  9. Only posting for the laugh -- still not enough information to take a position one way or the other.
  10. Using his wife as a shield now... because he can't speak, and he's been outed (even though he was never "in the closet) for being an aggressive sexual assaulter. No Chance Joe.
  11. Because Tapper is deeply dirty. He played a role in the coup (and has tried to run from that ever since), he's deeply tied to the Clinton machine and their other activities. He's a bad guy. Through and through.
  12. No. The GOP splintered into a Never Trump (neocon/neoliberal) faction and fought him every step of the way (and still are). Trump destroyed the GOP, that's what he spent the first two years of his administration doing (where's Paul Ryan these days? oh, right, running Fox now which turned into a Never Trump outlet in its news division right around the time he got there). You're demonstrating again the dangers inherent in spending three years chasing a fake story (RUSSIA!) while ignoring what's actually happening. And what actually happened was Trump detonated the GOP. Now he's about to do it to the DNC.
  13. Agreed. It would be interesting to track that and see. It's a valid point to keep in mind. I don't know enough about the specific players, but I'd bet they'd be backing one of his generals who's either tied to the CCP or Chinese OC. Those are the two factions with the most pull inside the DPRK, and both have placed their own people inside Kim's circle.
  14. And reposting this one because it's relevant to the next clip: The evidence of this was so overwhelming a guy working from Los Angeles was able to puzzle it out nearly three years ago. Yet it's taken the bulk of the media all that time to catch up. Why? (Because the media was in on it -- and still are)
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