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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. She spent her career destroying women who accused powerful men of assault. Not just Joe, but Epstein, Weinstien, Weiner, and of course her husband. Don't be like Hillary. Be better than Hillary.
  2. NBC cameras were there -- as well as the ***** Jills. I see you made your choice.
  3. If they open up in time.... we'll see.
  4. 100% incorrect. Joe's on FILM assaulting multiple women in public spaces. Now Joe has a credible accuser with more evidence than any of the women who accused Trump had. You're wrong. And spinning. It's a bad look for you. But you are going to vote for him, right? (because you're about as principled as you are informed) Might as well be Transplant here instead of Alyssa
  5. They're not. Bill Gates is a bad guy.
  6. 1 party. With of age women. Not children. It was before Epstein was exposed for who he was -- and before that exposure, Trump booted him from the club. But yeah. It's the same. Defending those who prey on children is a good look on you. Natural even. You've been doing it your whole life without even realizing it. But now, you have a chance to see the truth. The choice of how you choose to react to it is up to you. You can change, or continue to support those who traffic, rape, and murder children for sport. Which will you choose?
  7. It is. It's also different from where you started. But I'm glad you're there.
  8. With of age women. The case was dropped and the woman admitted to the Daily Mail she made it up. But who cares about facts when you're so driven to move the light off the guilty parties so more kids can get raped and tortured. You're the EXACT definition of a useful idiot for that cause. A real man would be ashamed.
  9. False comparison. Trump never went to the island. Trump never flew on Lolita Express. Trump kicked Epstein out of his club for making moves on underage daughters of his members. Plus, Epstein never gets arrested if Trump didn't win office. Bill continued to visit with Epstein even after the world knew (then forgot) he trafficked children for sexual purposes. Keep protecting the actual pieces of shite out there though and think you're doing the Lord's work.
  10. Anything and everything to avoid that painful reckoning between fact and their cognitive dissonance. The truth is, many of the people those types have loudly supported with their votes and dollars embody everything they claim to be against. But rather than face that, and adjust their world view accordingly, they refuse because it's too painful to admit they got conned.
  11. There's that word. Different from mandate.
  12. And not just hung out with him -- traveled with him to his island where multiple witnesses have stated real bad stuff happened on the regular.
  13. That's definitely a possibility. I tend to think he's trolling intentionally with this one. The use of Nobel over Pulitzer guarantees that 10m left leaning accounts will share these tweets with mocking (while subconsciously absorbing the actual information: namely that Russia was indeed fake). Things are moving faster now that we're past the peak of the virus. We're not back to where we were once impeachment ended (which was about to hit light speed), but getting there.
  14. Got another fake story to push this morning about fish tank cleaners? Or Trump/Russia? Or nah? It never gets old laughing at NPCs.
  15. Again -- not only does that meme prove the left can't meme, it proves how dishonest (and dumb) the above is. Since he's literally trying to avoid talking about the facts I laid out (which are not in dispute) by drowning it out with (bad) memes. There's stupid. Then there's billzstime stupid. (then there's GarBoTibs)
  16. And yet, we have Sweden to hold up and say, hmmm... maybe not.
  17. It might be if the data isn't complete or accurate. Making decisions based in fear is how more people end up dead or a bad problem gets much worse.
  18. There's so much wrong with this, it's hilarious.
  19. ☝️ More dishonesty. Can't argue the facts, so he must shift it to something no one ever said. Least of all me. The reality is, Gates is a bad person. The evidence is stark if you care to look. But people like the above won't do it, because of a blind spot that's been built into his cognition by a pernicious media complex. * Gates flew to Epstein Island multiple times, both before and after his arrest for child trafficking. * Gates is a eugenicist * Gates believes in depopulating the planet * Gates is a CCP apologist Those facts are not in dispute -- and that's just scratching the surface of how bad/dangerous of a person he is.
  20. You've shifted your position. I have no problem with people doing what they feel is right. I have a big problem with the government mandating something when the data used to make that declaration is specious and/or incomplete. I'm immunosuppressed despite not having any other risk factors of age or health. I'm responsible for my own health, no one else. Thus, I take it seriously, and have/am continuing to follow the most stringent guidelines. But it's my choice to do so as a free person. I don't begrudge someone for making their own choices. Hence my point about tyranny vs freedom. Freedom is hard. It's not easy. And I'm not a fan of giving up fundamental rights and liberties just because my government is telling me to be afraid of something. That NEVER works out well for the people in the long run. Ever.
  21. Yup. The real enemies of this world are usually the ones we're told/programmed to trust the most by the establishment. Gates is top of that list. A bad guy all the way through.
  22. Making recommendations is fine. Forcing the issue through fiat, when the data is incomplete, is tyrannical.
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