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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. *Just the USG (once again) confirming UFO/UAPs are real. ... So where did they come from? Who/what is operating them? And, why release this now and not 10 years ago?
  2. I am not calling the shots on timing. But you only have to read what’s happening to see something is coming. Or, you can keep your head in the sand. Either way, you’re in for a rough time.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/Rover829/status/1254598433714786304
  4. Nothing. But he can't even understand what you're suggesting yet. He's that lost.
  5. November 3rd won't be kind to this post.
  6. Really makes you wonder what's actually happening, doesn't it?
  7. That's why you'll lose. This isn't about parties or politics. It's not about Trump or Obama. It's about the fundamental question posed by the founding fathers when they formed this nation: can we keep it, or will we slide back to the way things have always been? The fact you're still using "Moscow" as a talking point associated with anyone only shows how absolutely lost you are. What comes next will be very hard for you, my apologies in advance.
  8. This thread should be back on page one for the week ahead.
  9. When they’re functioning properly they are But they’re not functioning honestly. And haven’t as long as you’ve been alive. For proof, just look at how often they’ve bungled the biggest stories of the past two decades: * “Iraq has WMDs!” * “The government isn’t illegally spying on citizens” * “Trump is a Russian asset who conspired to steal the election w Putin!” * “There’s no such thing as elite pedophile rings, Epstein isn’t really a pedo!” The establishment media’s cause is not truth. It’s not serving the country or protecting the republic. They’re cut outs for the intelligence services and special interests (Foreign and domestic) who use them to further their own control over you.
  10. 45 retweeted it. https://mobile.twitter.com/Shem_Infinite/status/1254577653023158273 Let’s see what happens next.
  11. And you’re arriving at this conclusion based on what? His track record of being wrong on every major foreign policy decision he ever made? Or is it his history of absolute corruption and graft while serving over 35 years in office? Or is it his role in the biggest abuse of presidential power in the history of the country? Or is it because he’s of sound mind and body, and not cognitively impaired and getting worse by the day? Or maybe it’s because of his long, public record of race baiting? ... Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because you’re an NPC incapable of thinking for himself?
  12. https://mobile.twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1254527893654237184 The election? We are talking the biggest scandal in the history of this country. It’s bigger than one election.
  13. The difference is? (exactly) Way to show the world what you actually stand for. We knew it wasn't truth before, now we know it's not women. I didn't vote for Trump. But carry on. One ACTUALLY committed sexual assault, the other TALKED about how he COULD do it (but didn't). You are voting for the one who actually did the crime. Because you clearly care more about appearance than truth. (or women, or the country, or corruption)
  14. Bills Gates' own actions disparage him. He flew, multiple times, to Epstein's island after Epstein's first arrest. That says everything you need to know about the man. It's not weird. It's real. Whether you realize it or not. You keep proving it by supporting those who do it with your vote and dollar without even THINKING about it. (I'm also not far right. I'm a hollywood liberal -- in a literal sense)
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3914012/Troubled-woman-history-drug-use-claimed-assaulted-Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-sex-party-age-13-FABRICATED-story.html Wrong again. Like I said, you made your choice. And it's to defend those who prey on children. It's a bad look on you. But you own it now.
  16. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/yfmksi/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-the-audacity-of-grope You're still voting for him no matter what, right?
  17. It's true (if you mean the google bit) And agreed! It says everything about him when he's forced to go back to the "everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot" talking point circa 2017.
  18. And yet, you're still going to vote for him, right? Just so it's clear what your position is right now: you think a man saying he COULD grab a woman by the ***** and get away with it because he's a star is A BIGGER THREAT than the man who actually grabs a woman by her ***** and gets away with it because he's a DNC star? Again. Your lack of principles are ASTOUNDINGLY clear to all but you.
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