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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Looks like there will be something tonight...
  2. She took the word out of @transplantbillsfan's mouth He said the same just yesterday...
  3. Is putting more people out of work since the great depression worth it?
  4. Uh oh... Hardest hit: @transplantbillsfan
  5. Yup. If only people had realized how dangerous it was to push offshoring and globalism at the expense of our own national security...
  6. It's him. He's either about to be in deep ***** or shown to have been framed. I have gone back and forth on him with almost every new document release, so I really don't know. If I were betting, I'd say he was willingly working with Simpson rather than being framed by him -- but there's still not enough OS information to make me feel solid in that assessment. ************************************
  7. Perhaps -- though I think the first traunch of Flynn news likely won't/can't come from Trump. Not a huge Hannity fan, but his show has been talking a big game for tonight, so that might be the start. I'm thinking he either has the documents, or the US Attorney to talk about the documents (but that's a total guess).
  8. *****************************
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