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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Put this in the wrong thread prior — important story, deep in the weeds though https://uncoverdc.com/2020/09/23/democrat-lobbying-firm-targets-giuliani-potentially-involved-in-parnas-indictment/
  2. Gary lying again, calling facts Russian disinformation because they expose him as being deeply stupid for falling for a hoax. When the truth isn't on your side, and you're a cowardly asshat like Gary, what do you do? Slide and divide.
  3. The NYTs is lying, of course -- and Gary is pushing it because he's real dim:
  4. I've called him No Chance Joe for 2 years for a reason...
  5. That's a good point. I have no idea what they'd do (in any election, not just this one) if one of the two died a month out from the election.
  6. I agree with his last sentence. And I don't think it's at all a coincidence that everyone from myself (who's a nobody) to Solomon, Sarah Carter, Adam Housley, Kevin Corke, Sharyl Attkisson + dozens more journalists got updates this weekend all saying the same thing: this week was going to be the start of Durham. The DOJ is ready to go and they are aligning their messaging as best they can prior to the starting gun -- but the ultimate "go" signal will come from one or two people (who I don't talk to and I doubt Adam does). It's not a matter of if anymore, just when and how high up they'll try to go. Though we're undoubtedly going to go deep into the second term (presuming he wins one) to handle this all. We're going to get the start, it'll be big (per sources), but it won't be the end of it by any stretch.
  7. I'm not nearly well-read enough into the procedures of the Senate/House or election laws, but I'm fairly certain it's too late in the game to call that big of an audible (ballots alone would have to be re-produced and sent out). But I could wrong.
  8. I saw something yesterday that said it had been 42 days since she was nominated, she's taken 0 questions with 42 days left to go before the election. She's poison for their ticket when she opens her mouth. She was picked for her gender and color -- so all she has to do is look the part. They really don't want her talking and reminding DNC voters why she only got 2% of their votes (and only 10% in her own state).
  9. Also putting this one here:
  10. This has less of a chance of getting lost in this thread -- primary source for all you who want to dig:
  11. I haven't followed this case close enough (at all) to have an opinion, but that wouldn't shock me if it turned out to be how it went
  12. Wow. I'd say I'm shocked but...
  13. Gary can't argue the facts - because he does not know the facts and they're not on his side. Gary can't argue truth - because he's shown he's the enemy of truth, not an ally So what does he do? He tries to sully a woman he's never met with assumptions about me that are so far off base they're laughable. Why does he resort to that tactic? Because Gary is not a good person. He's not a man, he's a coward. Only a coward makes that kind of attack rather than coming for the guy who's beating him to a digital pulp. Gary's track record down here speaks for itself -- he's been wrong for years, and still is. Rather than learn from it, he's doubled down on his own stupidity and cruelty because he's weak. Back to Gary's thread of hilarious self-owns
  14. Gary. All the way wrong for four years and counting. Rather than learning from his mistakes (or getting new material) all he's done is become more and more unhinged.
  15. Gary, getting everything wrong -- and always ending up on the side defending, downplaying, or ignoring actual evil. Wonder why that is... (no I don't. no one does who's read his screed over the years)
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