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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Not sure if the full movie was posted or not... but here's Michael Moore's latest on this topic.
  2. Yeah, his body language in all these hearings were precisely that -- unhinged to evil. It's really startling when you see it, then remember he wasn't a low level guy, but the third in command of the FBI's most powerful counterintelligence unit.
  3. This is a much bigger question as it requires a longer conversation about this document which I've shared many times but am unsure whether or not we had a conversation about it: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf The short answer is yes. Obama was kept in the loop on Flynn, and everything SpyGate/Russia related. He was giving Trump the rope which he knew the FBI was going to use to hang him with, because Obama knew. He knew Flynn was innocent, he knew there was no "Russia" there, but he needed this political weapon to prevent the above document from being investigated in full. In that document lies the actual cause of the Russia story. It had nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the Obama (and Bush) administrations projecting their crimes onto their political enemy in order to save their own skin. EDIT/ADDITIONALLY: The "rope" Obama was giving Trump wasn't just in the Flynn warning, but in his expulsion of dozens of Russian "diplomats" just as Trump was transitioning to power. This was part of the ruse. He was punishing Russia for something he knew they did not do (at least in the way the administration was framing it to the public) because he KNEW that Flynn, as the foreign policy wonk on the transition team, would have to speak to the Russian Ambassador about this as part of his duties. THAT'S how dirty Obama got with this. (Happy to go into more detail on that doc if you need it)
  4. It's not about Trump. I've said that a million times if I said it once in the past three years while digging into this story. It's about right and wrong. It's about the constitution and the rule of law -- all of which were torn to pieces to make a political case stick in the courts. That's anathema to everything this country stands for, regardless of your politics or party. But you don't get that. Because you're not a patriot. You're a partisan. And a horribly stupid one at that.
  5. You can only say this if you ignore the evidence that's come out in that time. Which you are. Because you have nothing left. You've proven you're uninformed. Now, rather than remedy that, you're doubling down on it by pretending these documents aren't being released. Or that there aren't three active investigations into this... That's why you're losing. Badly. I can keep busting you up all day, embarrassing you... but you're really not worth the effort. You're less than worthless. ********************* It wasn't just Flynn whose life they ruined: This can never again be allowed to happen in the US. There must be justice.
  6. ☝️ Still has yet to refute a single point made. Only here to smear and prove to everyone how uninformed and dishonest he is. Learn your enemies. They're among us.
  7. Proving you don't have the foggiest understanding of due process and the constitution. They are required to state this. By law. Keep embarrassing yourself. It's going well for you. A smarter person, which you've proven you're NOT, would stay quiet and take the L. ***********************
  8. Says the guy who's STILL pushing a conspiracy theory that has no factual basis to it. You're embarrassing yourself today. And it's wonderful. Please, keep proving to everyone that you're not only lacking in principles, but a functioning frontal lobe.
  9. It's all good. Better to have quoted that nonsense statement anyway so everyone can see it before he deletes it. Or changes screennames (again) The restoration of the rule of law and our republic. But keep thinking this is about me, or Trump. Asshats have nothing left. Nothing.
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