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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-joe-biden-should-not-concede-on-election-night-idUSKBN25L2FJ
  2. True. Biden's team is comically incapable.
  3. And they have the balls to call the other side a cult
  4. It took them so long because both sides of the aisle were getting their beaks wet, for years and years. Those who weren't were coerced into silence. Those who were weren't going to rock the Clinton gravy train less their own illegal channels get discovered. New rules post 2016 when an outsider was given the keys to the kingdom and all it's law enforcement tools.
  5. Would you look at that, the investigation is still open into the CF despite Gary proclaiming it was over. Why, it's almost like he doesn't know his ass from his elbow.
  6. Uh... this was just a few weeks ago, all the people in this thread "outraged" at Trump's comments didn't say boo here. Wonder why? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/hillary-clinton-says-biden-should-not-concede-2020-election-under-n1238156
  7. https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/09/23/wapo-abc-polls-trump-edging-biden-florida-arizona-now/
  8. That would be actual journalism. I'm pretty sure that's illegal now.
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