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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Settle down. I’m not twisting your words, I’m pointing out a key fact which is missed (and makes your post redundant).
  2. They NEED you to be terrified and irrational. Don't give it to them.
  3. No one, but the shills in the media, have suggested people do anything other than this.
  4. Anecdotal but food for thought:
  5. Hardest hit: @transplantbillsfan No Chance Joe, sinking like a stone.
  6. There have been multiple -- but they get suppressed, and certainly not reported in the establishment media who's goal is to make you afraid, not give you hope. Yet, nations are still buying the drug in bulk, and front line workers around the world are using them as preventatives with much success. https://aapsonline.org/hcq-90-percent-chance/
  7. Searching purposes: https://search.wikileaks.org/advanced?page=6&q=PrivatBank
  8. Incorrect. It's been shown to be effective in the early stages (i.e as a preventative). Which is why they MUST lie about it.
  9. Oh, Joe. They got tapes, Joe. Translation to the caption: "Joe Biden actually orders Poroshenko to nationalize PrivatBank, in a month the bank became state owned."
  10. Dishonesty is Gary's whole brand.
  11. I'm not advocating stopping research on other methods. But what HCQ does is allow the world to open, safely, while those better treatments are developed. If HCQ is as effective as it appears, there would not have been a need for a lock down in the first place. Hence why the media MUST lie about it now.
  12. It's hard to see why they'd lie about this, I get it. My sibling works between Flagstaff and Phoenix, in the mountains largely with the tribal populations (who have been hit hard). It's not hot there in the winter. He's been on it since February, as has his whole staff, and they've had 0 infections. That's anecdotal, I grant you.
  13. Think it through... If it works as a preventative, then the bolded is moot. More than the bolded, the entire lock down ceases to be needed. Think of who's benefiting from this lock down, and their track record of honesty with the American people.
  14. https://aapsonline.org/hcq-90-percent-chance/] As the letter to Gov. Ducey notes, “Many nations, including Turkey and India, are protecting medical workers and contacts of infected persons prophylactically. According to worldometers.info, deaths per million persons from COVID-19 as of Apr 27 are 167 in the U.S., 33 in Turkey, and 0.6 in India.”
  15. If it wasn't so effective, why would nations be buying it up by the pallet? Why are front line workers taking it in droves, not just here but across the globe? My sibling, who's a first responder, has been on it (mandated by his boss) since February and has been free and clear of it despite working with patients everyday.
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