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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The game is fear, ALF. The bigger the numbers, the more fear they can manifest. The data across the board has been shown to be suspect, especially early on. Does that mean it's not real? No. Does it mean people aren't dying from it? No. Does it mean that it's not as deadly as we've been programmed to think? Possibly. Not definitely, possibly.
  2. Yes. The stupid inherent in your post drew my mockery like a moth to a flame.
  3. The irony of you using this statement is off the charts.
  4. That's why these 800+ pages are gold. No matter how many times they change their login names to hide from their past, it's here for all to see.
  5. Comey's day just got worse.
  6. It's only going to get worse for Joe on the Ukraine. ...Then there's another boot to drop in the form of China. No Chance Joe earned that name, after all. All the democrats needed to do was not go insane after 2016. And yet, they wound up going beyond insane. The choice of Joe as their nominee proves that. The only ones who ever thought Joe stood a shot of winning are the same people who think Hillary really won but for Russia. Joe's got a toxic resume, a worse history, and carried an un-likability factor second only to Clinton's. It's amazing that the establishment found a way to double down after the ass kicking in 2016. They can't say they weren't warned what would happen.
  7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/south-korean-research-boosts-theory-that-retesting-positive-for-covid-19-is-fluke-not-relapse-11589883871
  8. They can't compete with the messaging.
  9. Harvey's extradition to LA has been delayed: https://variety.com/2020/biz/news/harvey-weinstein-extradition-delayed-1234610796/
  10. Walk away wasn't about the midterms, it was about the general election. But Gary never lets facts get in the way of his dishonesty. Or his rush to defend evil.
  11. Important thread, worth the time: Powell's latest filing now available: https://sidneypowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Petition-filed.pdf
  12. ...How many people got sick from voting in Wisconsin again? (There was no spike, despite the hype and fear)
  13. More on what Hedge posted above: Powell's latest filing now available: https://sidneypowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Petition-filed.pdf
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