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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Do it. https://mobile.twitter.com/joshdcaplan/status/1265368029992542209
  2. I agree. There was a ton of damage done by the shutdown that won’t bounce back immediately (if ever). No doubt about that. From what I saw this weekend, the majority of people have turned a corner on the fear element. That was the biggest question mark for me going in, and it seems (though we will see in 2 weeks in terms of outbreaks) like that enemy is on the verge of being toppled. If that holds, the next 6 months are going to be brutal for the fear mongers — almost all of whom are pulling the lever for Biden in the fall.
  3. Trump is going to be right again. And it was completely predictable. Yet, despite this, he still managed to box the opposition into taking the position that denying freedom is better than supporting it.
  4. Skaters and surfers leading the way...
  5. You're being incredibly dishonest, and it's a REAL bad look on you. You're saying I created a strawman, I did no such thing. YOU did. Want to see? Here: Your first ridiculously erroneous statement: Which I called out as false, because it is. It's not human nature to "live in fear". That's entirely incorrect. You try to push it again -- but are completely wrong. You almost start to use a strawman, by conflating a biological RESPONSE with OUR NATURAL STATE. Then you go all in here: So again, you're wrong. And now projecting your pathetic strawman on me. Bad look, dude. Human's natural state is not to live in fear, certainly not from a virus which has a recovery rate of over 99%. Only something ARTIFICIAL injected into our discourse can cause that kind of UNNATURAL reaction to something.
  6. 5 months and change of No Chance Joe getting absolutely demolished in the eyes of the public ahead. Just wait til he has to speak off the cuff in front of Trump.
  7. In case people aren't aware of what the press secretary is referencing... He was ***** her. It was known. It was used to try to blackmail him... then she dies... in his office.
  8. The press secretary just blew up Brennan (after flipping through her binder).
  9. He boxed himself in unnecessarily by promising to pick a woman. Now he boxed himself in to choosing a woman of color. That leaves two realistic options: Harris or Abrams. Neither helps his cause. No Chance Joe is proving he's got the political instincts of a blade of grass.
  10. No Chance Joe -- surrendering in the meme war already.
  11. At least be honest about your own idiocy. You were the one who stated that it was our NATURAL state to live in fear -- then tried to run from that by conflating flight or fight with our natural state. You were wrong. That you can't admit it is your own cognitive dissonance. It's a bad look on you.
  12. (Old but coming back soon)
  13. Just getting started on exposing his legacy for what it was: an attack on the fundamentals of our republic.
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