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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The giveaway that we're being had on this topic is in the outrage meter which they pinned immediately upon the suggestion of using this drug. There are many who know/fear that it works, and it working cuts across their goal which is to exploit this crisis for their own power grab. We're at war. We have been for five years now. This is just another front in that larger conflict.
  2. The local fascist is back, spouting the talking points of tyrants from days goneby without any awareness (because he's deeply stupid): "Nazism wanted to transform the subjective consciousness of the German people—their attitudes, values and mentalities—into a single-minded, obedient "national community". The Nazis believed they would therefore have to replace class, religious and regional allegiances" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany CCP Bill is too stupid to think for himself. So he's unknowingly parroting Nazism on back to back days while thinking he's talking about its opposite: When people tell you who they are, believe them.
  3. Swallwell can't help himself.
  4. This is epic trolling: First he tweets this: Then retweets this:
  5. Why outsource your own agency though?
  6. Too early to say. Have to see the actual order.
  7. As I said, all the right people are scared tonight — this is FEAR https://mobile.twitter.com/ProfMJCleveland/status/1265833024752619523
  8. Not that know of — but quarantine life may have changed that. I take two things from this announcement — 1) It confirms what I’ve heard for weeks from my DC friends. 2) If Durham passed off unmasking, assigning a deputy to it, that means that he’s got bigger targets/cases to make — which is excellent news. If I were McCabe, Comey, or Brennan tonight I’d be very uneasy. This on the heels of the RR testimony on the 3rd is lighting a fire under all the right people tonight.
  9. This is a very good sign and prefect choice. https://mobile.twitter.com/JakeBGibson/status/1265825832108535809
  10. Agreed. I'll say the timing sure is interesting. A big, embarrassing gaffe, followed by a tragedy/crime, then "spontaneous" riots which will force both candidates to make loud and clear statements on this issue. It's a "never fail to take advantage of a tragedy" play right from certain bad actors' playbooks. Only takes a few paid assets in a crowd to turn it from peaceful into something else. *warning, might be graphic -- just saw the full clip More:
  11. Fascists say the darndest things. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/photo/assault-on-individual-freedoms After Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he persuaded his cabinet to declare a state of emergency and end many individual freedoms. (Too stupid to realize he's parroting every tin pot dictator and tyrant in history)
  12. My guess was the middle option. I think Horowitz has/had an unconscious bend to lean towards protecting the institution(s) when possible -- but only to a point. Based on how slow the evidence was turned over from the DOJ to Flynn's legal teams, I would suspect there were games being played with the IG. It's really all down to Durham and the other US attorneys looking into everything (there are at least two more, Jensen and Huber). And I think we're still 4-5 weeks away from hearing anything from him (that's a guess, not a prediction).
  13. No offense taken, no worries. But wouldn't you agree that it matters that the bulk of the establishment media lied about Trump/Russia, because the CIA director lied about it to them? That's a fact now, not speculation. Beyond partisanship, shouldn't it matter that there was an active effort, on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and an outgoing administration, to deceive the American public at large in order to subvert the outcome of an otherwise legal election? Think of all the division it caused. All the wasted time, money, and effort spent by the entire government on something that was never real.
  14. Weather update just coming in now -- not looking good. Confirmed: No launch today.
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