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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Love ya, Julie, but I'll blame both.
  2. All the while feeding the American people lies which centered on calling anyone who raised reasonable questions either a traitor, a Putin apologist, or a conspiracy nut. The largest information warfare campaign ever waged against the American people by its own media and intelligence services (but I repeat myself).
  3. New filing for Tuesday's hearing... Sullivan has his hands full now.
  4. You seem willing to engage in an actual discussion, so first off thanks for that. Even if we ultimately disagree, a good conversation is always the goal. Theres a lot you do not know about this matter. I say that not to be combative but just because I’ve followed it closely from the start. I’ve talked to people involved, learned a lot about the minutia of the case for various reasons. You have to understand that Flynn was not just a general, he was the Army’s top spook. FIG’s contract with Alptekin was sanctioned by DIA. Flynn was serving his country on an intelligence op of some kind. This isn’t conjecture, it’s fact. Now we know as of today the FBI was aware of this as well as early as the fall of 2016. Do you know what Flynn and Obama fell out over originally? Do you know why he was fired, and then immediately targeted for an oversight-free CI investigation by the FBI? It has nothing to do with Trump and even less to do with Russia or Turkey. Dig into that, start by reading the recently published Afghanistan Papers ( https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/investigations/afghanistan-papers/afghanistan-war-confidential-documents/ ) and notice Flynn’s role in them. After you do, ask yourself again if you think the man is a patriot or not.
  5. And he’s omitting that the Turkey job was approved by the DIA (because it was an op). That’s the real reason they couldn’t make a case of it.
  6. Yuuuuuuuuuuup. Again, this was routed to Barr from Durham too. We were never supposed to know.
  7. You're literally posting things that were debunked years ago -- and were literally just confirmed today: You're years behind this case, with a lot of work to do to catch up.
  8. Oops. (It was always a coup -- every bit of it was fake)
  9. Today's not done yet apparently... (whistles and walks away)
  10. And the news today isn't over... Um... do you know how bad this is?
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