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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Kieth Ellison at the podium now... Trump committed treason by working with Russia, right? You swore this happened because Max Boot told you so. Go back to sleep, fukkstick.
  2. You know, except for the long, documented history of paid agitators being deployed in times like this compared to "rogue cops". But for that, you have a point It doesn't matter if it's Antifa, Open Society, White Nationals -- they're all paid by the same group(s).
  3. I'm surprised you have the (tiny) balls to show your face down here after getting every bit of Trump/Russia wrong for three years -- then running away like a coward -- only to return with... this Never stop proving how foolish you are, @WhitewalkerInPhilly. It's truly an impressive statement to NPC culture everywhere.
  4. No Chance Joe got it wrong again... https://mobile.twitter.com/AndrewHClark/status/1266357308558368769 Continuing Joe’s impressive record of being wrong on every single major policy or decision he’s ever been asked to weigh in on while in government.
  5. https://mobile.twitter.com/AZachParkinson/status/1266187699603623938
  6. You’re not a liberal, we agree. You’re a man who’s too deeply stupid to know he’s a fascist. Difference.
  7. Hmm... That’s something. https://mobile.twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1266235536701710341
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1266231100780744704 Here comes the “reeeee!” for his use of the T word.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/Shem_Infinite/status/1266225162887757824 https://mobile.twitter.com/Shem_Infinite/status/1266225501313667073
  10. GS groups want the same thing (because they are the same thing). https://mobile.twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1266216048753246208
  11. “a cop” Odds are much higher he’s paid by GS groups.
  12. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/harvey-weinstein-17-year-old-rape-1234619550/
  13. They never learn... every drop of transparency has worked against the collusion narrative engineers. Not for them. Every time. https://mobile.twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1266157405659901953 And it really doesn’t take a former US Attorney to puzzle this out, but: https://mobile.twitter.com/shipwreckedcrew/status/1266168060114685952
  14. I have to say, I've heard this one before. I've had people tell me that the (still) redacted portion of RR's revised scope memo was for Walid. I always dismissed this because the idea that that FBI -- even a crooked one -- would give more than a quick glance at a man like Walid -- seemed like a bridge too far. But there are signals now that it was legit -- which is hilarious in its outrageousness. ... It also lends more credence to the MB theory... but that's for a different thread.
  15. Accessories, yes. I expect it to happen. There's really no one defending the actions of those four. I haven't seen anyone, even the "far right" agitators on twitter who normally would have condemned them.
  16. Karl is just the worst. His resigned, "I'm real" was ***** hilarious
  17. (because they know it works)
  18. Of the two of us, only one person has called for removing people's individual freedoms based on their religion. (hint, it wasn't me... it was you, parroting Hitler) Evidence? Can you provide any? Nope. You can't, because only a DEEPLY stupid person -- and you are DEEPLY stupid, Bill... so stupid if you closed your mouth you'd suffocate -- would contend this based on my posting history. I'm multifaceted enough to think for myself. Something you're incapable of because why? Right, you're a very stupid person. You are. You've spent a month here spreading CCP talking points as if they were your own, and parroting Hitler. You're VERY open to views most people learn are dangerous when they're children. You mean, when I quoted your words directly and showed you -- with evidence -- where those ideologies come from? A smart person -- which again, you are not -- would have taken that L and said, "oops" and slinked away. Instead, you tried to dig in and employ the "double dumbass on you" technique. Which just proved not only are you deeply, ridiculously, dangerously stupid -- you're also not very original. "Ultra rhetoric"? What's that mean? See, you're so stupid you cannot form basic sentences. Give it up, CCP. Or keep stepping up just to get beat down.
  19. The only thing that’s been exposed is your proclivity for loving all things fascist. (Still hasn’t disavowed his statements FYI). Even parroting Hitler, unknowingly (because you’re A VERY stupid person). ***** off, CCP Bill. Your shite is tired and weak. Or keep talking and keep proving how deeply stupid you are for everyone in the cheap seats.
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