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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. This is a flat out lie and terrible spin. Expect Tibs to repeat this 1000000 x before next week is done, not to mention the others. Flynn asked for reciprocity with regards to expulsion. And his logic was both sound and correct: 1) An escalation of expulsions on Moscow's behalf (meaning more than 30 US "ambassadors" getting tossed) would shutter the US Embassy in Moscow and make any future Russia/US conversations nearly impossible. 2) That was unacceptable to Flynn because he wanted Russia and the US to focus on their common enemy: Radical Islamist in the ME. Per Mueller/CFH, Flynn also told the FBI in the 1/24 interview (about expulsions specifically) that he didn't tell Kislyak NOT to do anything. Which, we see, was true.
  2. Correct. The only time sanctions were mentioned was Kislyak bringing them up and Flynn brushing them off with a "yeah, yeah". He didn't engage. The topic they discussed, which Flynn confirmed to the FBI, were expulsions. So he didn't lie. The FBI set him up, then altered the 302s because he didn't fall into their trap. It was a coup, and as dirty as it gets.
  3. Who ran the radical Islamist crowd Flynn was referring to? (covered earlier in this thread) This was always a coup -- not because the establishment viewed Trump was a danger to the United States or its people, but because he was a threat to their bread and butter. Karma's coming around soon.
  4. Flynn transcripts: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05-29 ODNI to CEG RHJ (Flynn Transcripts).pdf Another major blow to the narrative that many were force fed. It was always a coup. It's undeniable at this point.
  5. Correct -- and it proves "sanctions" weren't the topic. Expulsions were, and that was known, reasonable, and expected to occur. It also shows why the DOJ ruled the call wasn't criminal or in violation in any way prior to the FBI going to interview him. This is a major blow to the narrative that has been force fed on many (including the loudest asshats here). They were lied to, repeatedly. Now they can see that for themselves. But watch how many will take GarBoTibs' approach of trying to spin it.
  6. Fear And Grenell already said they're not summaries. Release: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-05-29 ODNI to CEG RHJ (Flynn Transcripts).pdf
  7. That was a powerful and good speech. (No one will notice/care because of everything else happening)
  8. One day you'll see it's all connected at the source.
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