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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. ... That's what you took away from what I wrote? Enough with you, *****stick.
  2. So after all this -- you want to bring it back to a point that has nothing to do with our original topic? To answer that, you have to put yourself in Flynn's shoes AND understand his own attorneys were working behind his back with the dirty FBI during the plea. Here was a 33 year veteran, a three star general who knew he did nothing wrong -- yet had watched his life savings be drained, his house be sold, and the media call him a traitor all while trusting in the system to protect him per the law. Now the FBI was saying, if you don't say you're guilty we're going to destroy your son (who just had his first child a month prior). If you're in Flynn's shoes in that moment, with no money, half the country convinced you committed treason -- what do you do? Do you throw your son to the wolves and say, "fend for yourself, Mike!" Knowing that would destroy not only Mike Jr, but his kid's future? What would you do? And after you answer that -- ask yourself how that scenario doesn't outrage you? Especially now that you know, for certain, Flynn committed no crime. He never lied. He certainly never conspired with the Russians to work against his own country. That's the ACTUAL "meat and potatoes" of this story, Daz. Where do you stand on it?
  3. Poor Joy Reid.
  4. How often will this get played by the mainstream networks? (zero?)
  5. If you read the full context of the transcript it's clear what "Don't do anything means". He said on the call that he knew the Russians had to respond to the expulsions and he made it clear he was not asking them NOT to respond. What he asked for was for the Russians not to escalate their response, which would force the US to respond (the "tit for tat" he mentions). That's not illegal. That's not subverting US policy. That's diplomacy 101. In the 1/24 interview, when Flynn said "It wasn't 'Don't do anything'" -- that's what he's referring to. He's admitting to the FBI that he talked about expulsions, but he forgets exactly what he said to them, he just knows it wasn't "don't do anything". Which, we see in the transcript, is what he said to the Russian ambassador. You have to remember, Flynn at that time in the interview, was unaware that he was being "interviewed". He was being forthright and honest with them, telling the Agents that they had the transcripts so they knew what he said. There was no motive to lie. And no lie was told. It's also REALLY important to remember that on 1/24/17 when he was interviewed, the FBI had already cleared Flynn of any counterintelligence suspicions and criminal suspicions. They had nothing on him... and they tried to trap him into lying during this meeting, but they couldn't even accomplish that. So they lied about it. First to the public (through the press). Then through two+ years of rumor and innuendo throughout the Mueller investigation. That's the actual lie at the heart of all of this. And it wasn't General Flynn who told it. It was Andrew McCabe, Jim Comey, and John Brennan.
  6. I'm actually trying to be real with you right now, to help you see through the spin you're laboring under by asking you this question. Flynn was not charged by the Mueller team for lying to Pence. He was charged for lying to the FBI in the January 24th interview. So why would you chose to cite a quote from Pence, to the MSM, rather than cite the actual Mueller report and or charging documents? One is relevant to the discussion, the other is not. At least if you're interested in being real and not partisan. Here's the transcript (full context) from what you cited: Here's the scope memo of the Mueller report (the document which started the probe and led to Flynn being charged): Several times during the 1/24 interview, per the FBI's own notes, Flynn (who was not aware that this was an interview at the time) told the agents that he knew they had the transcripts of the call and thus knew what he said better than he probably did. This makes sense because he was the head spy for the Army, Flynn knew the FBI and many others had recorded those calls (which he made on an open line). So here -- in the charging documents -- Flynn says "I don't remember (THE SPECIFICS about talking expulsions). It wasn't 'Don't do anything.'" That's not a lie. The FBI even said so after the fact. That they didn't think he was being evasive or dishonest. Then, three months later, the Mueller probe is launched and this key context is kept out (because the transcripts weren't shared). There was no lie. Not about expulsions, and certainly NOT about sanctions (which weren't even discussed by Flynn in any of these calls per the transcript). Yet, in 2017, the story that fueled the Trump/Russia narrative was that Flynn had cut a deal about sanctions with the Russians, then LIED about it to the FBI and Pence. It was never true. The initial premise was false. See it now?
  7. You're citing Pence's statements to CBS rather than Mueller's own charging documents. Why? Flynn lying to Pence was not why Flynn was charged.
  8. The ICA was BS. It's already been debunked in large portions (the hack, who the Russians favored, and the Dossier). The ICA was a Brennan op. It's why he'll be going to jail or "disappeared" in the near future.
  9. Correct. There is a lot of BAD reporting going on about this move. Stay sharp.
  10. The transcripts show he didn't lie. Compare them to the Mueller report and charging documents. Not even the FBI thought Flynn lied when they finished their interview, per the FBI's notes. Your first post today used a disingenuously clipped portion of the transcript to try to prove Flynn lied. It, in fact, proved the opposite when you look at the context and charging documents. Someone is dug in on a position, facts be damned, and it's not me. And I showed that it wasn't a lie at all. In fact, the clip you posted had nothing to do with the supposed lie he told (which was about sanctions, not expulsions -- and that line was about EXPULSIONS not sanctions). Good news. You don't have to. I already showed what you posted doesn't make the case you think it does. You're wrong. All the way.
  11. And he was doing so by spying on Congress, the media, and other American citizens and politicians at the time. All run through the FBI-CID and DOJ-NSD, and largely done by private contractors (Cough-FusionGPS-Cough) illegally accessing 702 data without proper oversight and warrants. The swampiest committee on the Hill -- and not even they found any evidence of collusion/conspiracy or anything to back up the initial accusations which started this whole shebang.
  12. You're not. You're being purposefully dishonest now. I have no idea what lie you're referencing.
  13. What lie are you talking about? "Keep the echo chamber going then"
  14. And that operation (to oust Flynn) started in 2014 -- two years before any "Russian interference", let alone any Trump candidacy.
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