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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. To put it in perspective -- they could, with this designation, not only send a team of hard men to render GS and others (assuming they have the receipts, which they likely do), but they could even drone him and it'd all be legal within the rules of engagement post 2003 (and codified further by 44 when he was droning US citizens without due process). So far -- the media is missing that bit in their rush to dunk on him (and defend Antifa) Antifa themselves declared themselves to be an international org. So Yashar is wrong.
  2. Another note -- he didn't say "domestic" terrorist org. Um... that's a completely different rule book. Sorry, George. Your days are numbered.
  3. That's why worrying about red or blue is nonsense on these issues. Both sides have exploited the issue together to strengthen their own hold on power. It's not about GOP or DNC, or conservative or liberal. It's not even really about race. It's about controlling us through fear and deception. Keep us angry at one another, fighting one another, targeting one another, blaming one another for the problems caused by them. Not us. That's how they've been winning for 60+ years.
  4. Now do LBJ. Now the left and DNC will have to defend ANTIFA because: Orange Man Bad. Checkmate.
  5. That’s one positive to take from all this. If there are not major outbreaks in LA, NYC, Chicago et al, within 10-14 days, we will know we were lied to about the virus. And there will be no reason to deny us football, concerts or other large events.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1266974449833848832 Yikes.
  7. Pointing out the “coincidental” timing of these events isn’t making excuses though. It’s pointing to cause — and the guilty parties. Do you want to actually solve problems, or merely perpetuate the cycle of abuse/outrage/despair we’ve been trapped in as a society for several decades now?
  8. It’s completely organic too. Funny how we move from a black swan event to a completely organic riots just as the latter begins to fade. Just a coincidence though.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahPollak/status/1266907219230027776
  10. He’d never get confirmed sadly. I think he’ll become some sort of transparency chief in a yet to be created department.
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1266883347130847234 Guy who secured the gun was media private security.
  12. LA has a curfew now, but only in four block radius in downtown. Garcetti just announced it.
  13. Instead you'll continue to ignore the actual facts in favor of your disingenuous and deeply stupid spin.
  14. Your logic is wrong because you're too stupid to know the order in which things happened. But let's see you prove it. If the goal was to trap Flynn into asking the Russian Ambassador to not react to sanctions, when would you -- the super genius -- implement those sanctions? MUCH sooner, before the election when Flynn was not on the transition team and thus not talking to the Russians? Or do you wait until you know Flynn will be talking with the ambassador? You're wrong. Again. All the way. Now keep dodging the rest of the facts that have beaten you over the head today, claim victory, and ***** off.
  15. Wrong again. He was setting a trap, not doing a token gesture.
  16. Dumbass - Show me where Flynn tried to effect Russian SANCTIONS in the transcript since you claim he did that. Go. Or shut the ***** up.
  17. Dumbass -- show me in the transcript where Flynn talked about removing the sanctions OR expulsions just placed on the Russians. Do it or shut the ***** up.
  18. Dumbass -- show me in the transcript where Flynn talked about removing the sanctions just placed on the Russians. Otherwise, shut the ***** up and go back to sleep.
  19. It took Flynn and his band of spooks to do the job. With an assist from Adm Rogers.
  20. He did not "attempt to effect a policy that was just put in place." You're wrong. And now digging in because you're dishonest.
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