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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. (imo) This can only be explained one of two ways — a series of tragic coincidences going back all the way to January... Or it was a highly planned (and funded) operation. Make no mistake, this org has been planning on this kind of mass riot crisis for years. All they needed was the right spark and for us to fall for it...
  2. Rubio's been terrible today. Which is why he was tabbed to be the new head of the intel committee.
  3. Yup -- and don't get me wrong, I'm not making a prediction one way or the other. This could be a big time problem ahead just when things are supposed to be opening. That's certainly what the expectation should be. But if it doesn't... then I think the country will have something new to be united about.
  4. If this doesn't lead to a major outbreak in multiple cities -- it'll be a major wake up call to a ton of people.
  5. Second tweet -- we just moved from that neighborhood a few months back. It was a place I'd go to often, the owners were awesome and worked it themselves for years.
  6. Fake news (per White House and Trump). I'm not sure, but I think Trump is still in Florida (for the shuttle launch/weekend).
  7. Antifa has a structure, and financing. They're international and organized despite the hype. Their money comes from all sorts of enemies, foreign and domestic. And now their days are numbered.
  8. They're not targeting just Buffalo, but dozens of cities. And yes, people are being brought in to agitate. It's an old playbook. And people are seeing through it.
  9. Fear and control. These people are stupid.
  10. There's an intentional blurring of the lines happening, between righteous protesters (which do exist and are in the majority) and the agitators/looters/rioters. I don't know what Jeremy said, and I don't care for him at all, but people will conflate the two. Some out of sheer stupidity or ignorance, some intentionally to deceive/deflect. It's important to differentiate the two imo. Supporting the protesters is fine/good. Supporting the violence is not. This helps shield the guilty a bit, but most people can see through it. *******************
  11. Mike is as left leaning as it gets too... When you lose him, you've lost the war.
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