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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. He should release the whole call. Let them soak in it.
  2. "We could'a made money together!"
  3. The gaslighting is out of control.
  4. Keep checking off that list of critical theory targets without comprehending what I said. Marxism (which is critical theory's roots) requires an enemy to work. It requires an oppressor and oppressed dynamic. It does not seek to fix this paradigm, but to extend it. And you're falling for it because you're ignorant of not only reality, but the history you're claiming to try to remedy. Keep fighting ghosts of the past while ignoring the present enemies. That's a solid plan you've got there.
  5. Posting for the second video.
  6. I agree. But that requires us having an honest and unbiased messenger service. We don't have that. Speaking too soon can even give ammunition to the enemy.
  7. The media is fanning the flames and gaslighting all at once.
  8. And, politically, if he spoke Sunday it wouldn't have stopped anything. It wouldn't have healed anyone. It would not have brought the riots last night to a standstill. And then all that would be used against him by the dishonest media who's stoking these fires. Timing is the ballgame right now. There are multiple planes being landed all at once.
  9. That's coming this week. Probably tomorrow night.
  10. He did speak this weekend, and it was a darn good speech -- it wasn't covered by anyone. And I bet he'll speak this week as well.
  11. All examples of how critical theory is mind poison. Trapping someone into fighting battles of the past, while ignoring the actual enemies of the present. It's a theory meant to divide, create hostility, and tear down structures of "oppression" which are symbols, rather than addressing the actual problems facing our society going forward.
  12. Incorrect. All the way.
  13. ****** Guard House at the White House now on fire https://mobile.twitter.com/MrEricAngelo/status/1267295971664371712 The White House is not like a Police Station. Different rules of engagement apply. These people are either very dumb, or being used in a very evil way to become unwilling martyrs. I think they’ve been mapping the networks (especially the money, overseas) for three years. I think the designation and Barr’s moves today signal they’re about to do damage to their network. It’s now or never.
  14. The assets are easy to find, no question. It’s the logistics that’s the giveaway — the organizing, travel, and “material support” given in such a short time frame is not something that happens organically or through grassroots activism. It’s too sophisticated.
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