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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The ideology you're pushing prevents that kind of unity. Hence why it's evil and disingenuous. Its goal is to keep us divided and fighting the wrong enemy rather than uniting. If you cared about the principles you claim, you'd disavow Critical Theory in all its forms and Marxism. But you won't do that because you've already let this poison rot your brain.
  2. They still don't get why Trump won in 2016, and will win again in 2020
  3. Keep pushing that bankrupt and dangerous critical theory as if it's a positive. Ignore the reality, ignore the present enemies, ignore the reality of the world today in favor of fighting ghosts of the past. It's a great way to become irrelevant to the cause you're actually trying to remedy.
  4. Critical theory is poison for the mind. They just keep proving it.
  5. Says the guy still pushing Marxism in the 21st century -- despite the knowledge of history and its body count.
  6. They just keep showing up, like magic. (Not because this is organized and well funded by enemies both foreign and domestic).
  7. Do not stop in a mob. Ever.
  8. You can trace it yourself. You'll be surprised what you find. Go dig.
  9. I understand, an MSNBC reporter edited it and circulated it. They didn't air it. Hence why I posted it and labeled it. That's going around a lot.
  10. Hence "the gaslighting is out of control".
  11. Correct. He sounded like Trump -- and what he said was spot on. Their goal isn't truth. It's to keep us fighting. The gaslighting is on a new level.
  12. Thanks for bringing up an irrelevant -- and deeply stupid point just to prove once again to the board what a ***** assclown you actually are.
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