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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. McCabe is an attorney, he should know better than to speak right now. But his hubris won't let him stay silent. That'll cost him in the end.
  2. Time for people to wake up and understand what the past three months have truly been about. It was never about saving lives. It was about spreading fear and using that to control us.
  3. He's so dishonest -- as are all the people crying about an unfair and biased criminal justice system. Booker claimed they're not holding hearings about that topic while in a hearing about that very topic. That's always been at the core of the Russia story -- the abuse of the criminal justice system (and the counterintelligence system) to railroad innocent Americans purely for partisan political reasons. ******************************* Kennedy up. He's usually a lot of fun.
  4. And just as people are starting to see it, and the righteous protests are dying down -- time for a narrative switch:
  5. Keep thinking this is about George.
  6. Hirono is a DEEPLY stupid woman. She keeps walking RR into answering in ways that destroy her case. But because she's so deeply stupid, she won't accept his answer.
  7. Unemployment numbers were better than expected (by 4 million). Stocks jumping. Perhaps it will be a swoosh recovery...
  8. Stealing valor has that impact on one's outer appearance. A POS who does something that vile ends up with a mug that looks like it was run over by a tractor.
  9. Important to remember about that doc -- it was based on Patterson's book. Patterson is very close to the Clintons (he wrote a book with Bill just the other year). That doc is a lot of spin, spin, spin for the Clinton machine.
  10. *he didn't. Nor did 90% of the people who talk definitively about it.
  11. See it yet? It works, they know / knew it works, but they had to deny it. Lie about it. Time to wake up.
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