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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. And yet the election in Wisconsin went on as planned, with no spike in the virus after. There's no reason to argue we can't go out to vote anymore. None. That con has been destroyed by what we've seen the past 10 days.
  2. Don't bring facts and logic to a Feelz fight.
  3. It's so transparent... Why does she want this? To spark more riots near the White House. Why does she want that? To get people to storm the grounds. Why does she want that? So that when those people storm the grounds they get turned to mist by the USSS. Why does she want that? Imagine the propaganda and photo ops that would bring.
  4. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=black lives matter See a pattern?
  5. I don't disagree -- but the point is the loudest voices, the biggest names, are pushing that first and foremost. You should ask yourself why they're doing that when it harms their overall goals. Why would they push something so hard that overshadows the actual, reasonable goals of the movement? Could it be that their goals are not reform but revolution? And if that's the case, why let those people infiltrate the movement and speak for it? Is it just because they're famous?
  6. I don't disagree -- but the fact is that "defunding the police" is the rallying call (from what I've seen on the streets of the protests in my own city, LA). Which just makes it impossible to take the rest seriously, no matter how well intentioned it is.
  7. Barr speaking now: https://www.justice.gov/live
  8. How dare they clean up monuments.
  9. Correct. Again, when you lead with something ridiculous and dangerous as your number one goal -- you diminish the weight of the entire movement.
  10. But shouldn't it matter? He's spent millions of his own money trying to make the lives of people in NO better. If you (general you, not YOU) attack your allies, especially over matters of opinion -- then soon you'll have no allies left.
  11. I made a post somewhere, a few months back, about this very thing. But the fact he's consistently used his wallet more than most people in his position to help his community should count for a lot, no?
  12. But when a US Senator writes an op-ed, it's the "end of the world!" Dummies everywhere can't help but to expose themselves in these times.
  13. It's very hard to take a list of goals and agendas seriously when the number one item is to defund the police. That would solve nothing, in fact, it would make all the problems they claim to be up in arms about much, much, much worse. Which begs the question -- what's the actual agenda? Social reform or revolution? Those are not synonymous, despite the catchy chants.
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