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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. CCP Chris wants to doxx soldiers because he didn't get his race war. The enemies of this republic, and its people, are exposing themselves daily. Pay attention.
  2. TDS is a crippling condition if left unchecked. And the Trump curse is very real. They should have known.
  3. And the guy who's been wrong for two decades in a row: They want the country broken. They want the market crashed. They want millions of unemployed. They want riots. All because they hate this country and Trump. ***** them.
  4. That’s meant to draw the distinction between those two different things, not conflating them. The video, and poll, is not about the anthem or kneeling. It’s about kneeling to apologize for your race — as asked in the video. Reading is hard.
  5. It's slanted... to draw a clear distinction between those two issues and make clear which one the poll is meant to address? How?
  6. Did you spend the last (however many) years of your life publicly out crying each traffic death? Or did you save your outrage for when you were told you should express it by your informational sources?
  7. This thread is worth the time: + more And people think this isn't a war.
  8. They will. Without a doubt. But trials and the evidence they produce would be impossible to ignore for all but the most ardent partisans.
  9. BLM has disavowed this guy already -- but it remains a request asked of authorities and civilians at nearly every BLM protest the past few days. Curious to see what people here would do if asked to do the same... (This is not about kneeling during the anthem -- this is about kneeling in public as a means of apologizing for your race)
  10. That lie has been seeded so deep, people won't believe it. The only thing that will shake people awake are arrests.
  11. Plus, per friends at the LAPD, the first thing they'll cut is training. ... And somehow less police training doesn't seem like a good solution to the actual issues which do need remedying.
  12. All they had to do was not be crazy...
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