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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Here it is, a different angle than the other one:
  2. Shots fired. (deserved)
  3. You're right. I'm a deep cover agent who joined this site nearly 20 years ago as a college student and spent two decades being an open book on here in terms of my personal life and political views (which were anything but ultra right). I did all that, silently waiting and biding my time to be activated by ... (checks notes) ... Russia and President Trump.
  4. You accurately point out that context matters before. You can't ignore it here because the facts suddenly don't say what you want them to. Sanctions, specifically the financial sanctions against Putin and his inner circle, were what the media and every single IC official (including Clapper and Brennan) and Mueller's team accused Flynn of discussing. They were specific in the charging documents and their media appearances. The expulsions came after, literally a day before this call took place. Because the expulsions were designed to trigger this exact call. Obama knew Russia didn't hack the DNC or tilt the election. He made this move KNOWING that diplomacy 101 demands that Flynn do exactly what he did on that call. He also KNEW that his team would leak it and use the media to frame it as devious/illegal/treasonous when it was anything but. That's the fact pattern. And it's now backed by a paper trail that's reams thick. You need to read it again, closer. With the context above in mind. You're wrong here. All the way. And this is why you're wrong. You're conflating two things, ignoring context, and then filling in the blanks with fiction pushed on you by proven liars and manipulators. We have the receipts now. "Make it reciprocal" was specifically a reference to diplomatic expulsions. This is clear from the rest of Flynn's comments which you cut off. If Russia escalated, the entire Moscow embassy would be useless (meaning SPIES not DIPLOMATS). That would make it harder to work together with Russia -- FIGHTING ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS. The war against ISIS was raging at that time. US and Russian troops were in theater together in Syria and clear lines of communications were necessary to avoid tragedy. Again, CONTEXT matters. Instead of trying so hard to repeat information from 2 years ago pushed on you by proven liars, maybe take a new look at the documents with fresh eyes. You might be surprised what you see. Trump is irrelevant to this topic for me. As are your political views. Because what we are talking about crosses the aisle. You should absolutely care about this issue if you despise Trump, because he has all the power (and more) which Obama's administration used and abused to try to overturn the results of a legal election. This isn't about politics. It's about right and wrong. It's about whether or not we want to live in an actual democratic republic where the people have a say, or merely the illusion of one where the people's voice doesn't really count. You hate Trump. Cool. That's not the point. I bet you love this country. And if you do, then this kind of abuse -- an outgoing president weaponizing the intelligence services, the FBI, and the media to target his political enemy and try to subvert an election -- is nothing short of a coup. If you turn a blind eye to it simply because "Trump", then you're only assuring that this kind of power will be used again. Maybe next time it'll be used by an administration you despise -- and you'll have no ground to stand on when you try to protest.
  5. And even though Wallace is a democrat, who does not like Trump, he respects Trump for sitting down with him (multiple times) for two hours at a clip. Meanwhile, he's openly said he's disappointed that Joe hasn't done the same with him. I expect Wallace to be a bit feisty towards Biden at the top.
  6. Looking for it again -- and trying to confirm its authenticity. It was a speech from 2016, Biden at a base addressing troops. He delivered an "applause line" which didn't get any, so he says "clap for that you dumb SOBs" only he didn't say SOB. Mollie's tweet said it sounded like a quip/joke more than a dig (and I agree from what I saw).
  7. Nothing to see here. Just Biden calling the troops stupid bastards. https://mobile.twitter.com/MZHemingway/status/1309602549264195585
  8. Flynn family statement https://mobile.twitter.com/BarbaraRedgate/status/1309598183874375680
  9. You must then take context into consideration. A guilty plea was forced on Flynn when the FBI threatened to go after his son and newborn grandson. Add to that he was drained of financial resources (sold his house) and, most importantly, the guilty plea allowed Flynn to spring his CI trap of which we are still reaping the rewards in the form of documents. And of course -- this pressure was all applied by an FBI/DOJ/CIA looking to hang him out to dry on falsified/fake charges. Context is key. Not even the FBI thinks Flynn lied. This is not an accurate representation of the facts now in record. We now know for a fact the FBI/DOJ/IC falsified evidence and paid/worked with an actual Russian spy deemed a threat to national security to frame the General and Trump with phony charges, using the media to spin it. Again, you're years behind in what you know about this case. Years. Evidence proves you wrong. Mueller and his team knew BEFORE he started his probe that "there was no there there". They knew it was a cooked investigation with no hope of finding dirt. That's why they organized a perjury trap investigation instead. You clearly do not know Mueller's record. Wrong again. We learned through Stone's trial he never had a backdoor into Wikileaks. He got all his information from open source news stories and lied about having a Wikileaks connection. Again, facts are stubborn things and you're clinging to long disproven information as if they're real. They're not. And RR and Barr said didn't happen. You're batting close to .000 so far on what you think you know about this case. Not a single Trump person was indicted with anything having to do with Russia or the 2016 election. Not one. Yet we have a guilty plea for an Obama DOJ attorney who admits to falsifying evidence. Scoreboard is 0-1.
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