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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. @transplantbillsfan must not give a hoot about systemic racism in our country or its justice system. Because if he did, he wouldn't be supporting one of the primary architects of that systemic racism for over 40 years. Biden's biggest accomplishment while in Congress was the Crime Bill -- which did more to tilt the system against black and brown men than any other piece of legislation since Reconstruction. Oh, I know. He must be ignoring that part and focusing on how much time and effort Biden put into fighting for those causes while serving 8 years as VP... no, wait, that can't be right. Considering Biden (nor Obama) did a single thing in 8 years to address those issues. But this time it'll be different right? Anyone who's spent the past week down here railing about "systemic racism" who also plans on voting for Biden is literally too stupid to insult.
  2. Horseshit. And I live there, I do know that everything you just typed is not only dangerous, it’s mouth-breather level stupid. Gyfoh
  3. “Even if you are correct” I am. The evidence shows it. That you still deny this, and fail to see the connection to the cause you’re currently spun up about, shows how uninformed and useless you are. Keep drinking. It’s really helping your cognitive functions.
  4. I did. Long ago. Funny how this outrage has been absent in your posts while talking about the Russia investigation — which was an abuse of the worst kind on multiple Americans. That’s why you’re a joke. You’re silent until your masters program you to be outraged.
  5. Yeah — what you’re proposing isn’t unification. By any stretch.
  6. “Racism screening” gtfoh
  7. No offense meant at all, but think about the logic of what you’re saying. Russia either did it, or they didn’t do it. Only one of those things can actually be true. Partisanship has no bearing on that reality, only the spin of it.
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/jabeale/status/1269025645155287040
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/1269017969444581376
  10. It's a deliberate set up. She wants riots. They need to regain control of the news cycle. It's that shameless.
  11. You can't fight racism with more racism. It's just not possible to get a positive from a negative. But Marxists know this, and don't care. That's why they lie and couch their actual goals in things like "Critical Theory".
  12. Unintentional comedy from this poll. The only two people who said they'd kneel are Canadians
  13. I missed the full speech, but you're right, it was gold. There were some funny memes about it already:
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