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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. I understand you completely. You've shown your true colors: 1. You're deeply stupid. 2. You're a proud Marxist. 3. You're deeply stupid. That's what you are and what you represent. You're on the losing side of history. Enjoy.
  2. Then why are they running Biden, a man whose greatest congressional accomplishment was the Crime Bill which did more to tilt the system against black and brown folk than any other piece of legislation since Reconstruction. So they don't want to end police violence, the left wants power back for themselves. That you can't see that distinction proves, yet again, how deeply stupid of a person you actually are.
  3. If that's your true stance, you better vote for Trump in 2020. Biden and the left want to smash God.
  4. The only honest thing you've written today. Too bad you're far too stupid of a person to understand why espousing Marxism in 2020 is laughably insane. And yet you lied about it anyway... why? Right. Because you're deeply dishonest and terribly stupid. If that's true, go talk to the owners. They're there cleaning up this morning. Ask them. ************* Here's where Greg is getting his philosophy -- When people brag about being a Marxist, believe them. And know they are deeply ignorant of history.
  5. This man is running for Congress.
  6. Posted the other day -- but putting it in this thread too.
  7. This is the Sake House today -- but according to @GregPersons it was just "smashed windows, boo hoo" When someone declares themselves to be an idiot -- believe them.
  8. This is still about George, right?
  9. They're going to try to pivot back to "everyone must stay locked down" after this weekend when the protests fizzle. That's really going to be their move. It won't work.
  10. You've made two demonstrably untrue statements today: 1) Destruction of property does not equal violence 2) It's impossible to be racist against white people One of us is posting empty posts filled with hatred, it's not me. But again, you continue to prove how deeply stupid of a person you are.
  11. Once again, proving to the world, that you're not only wrong -- but deeply stupid.
  12. If you've paid any attention, and you clearly have not, you'd understand that Nunes was vindicated on every count with regards to unmasking, illegal spying, and Trump Russia. Of course, if you actually cared about the systemic injustice in our system and the abuse of police power, you'd be lining up next to Nunes to fight that fight. But you're not smart enough to know basic facts, let alone see through the programming that's been jammed into your head. You're truly a breathtakingly stupid NPC.
  13. All those words just to say: "Yes, I am a giant hypocrite who's voting for Joe Biden -- a man who spent 40 years tilting the system against black and brown people -- while claiming I'm against systemic racism". You're a peach. Just a real dumb one. There's that charm. Spend the past 12 hours lecturing the board about how you're above racism only to fall right back into the moment you get exposed for being a truly stupid person. And you are, Greg, truly a very stupid person.
  14. It's a meaningless addition made by a weak mind. Destruction of property = violence. If it does not, we no longer live in a land of laws. The fact that you support this notion, without any understanding of its historical origin, shows the board how deeply uninformed you are of basic history. Keep going. You're doing an excellent job of exposing yourself as a deeply stupid person. Then again, you're a Marxist -- an ideology that's been thoroughly discredited yet you're clinging to it (unknowingly) like a good useless idiot.
  15. Which only proves how uninformed you are. So that's a yes? You're going to vote for Biden? You come down here spewing all sorts of dishonest and really ridiculous nonsense about "institutional racism" -- and you're going to turn around and vote for one of the primary architects of that systemic injustice and racism? How do you square those two things, Greg? Please, enlighten me...
  16. Oh, look at that. Intellectual dishonesty 101. Add a new word to the equation to try to run away from his original point. If you don't think property destruction is violence, why don't you give the board your license plate number and let us all go to town on your car at the next Bills game?
  17. I know the owners, asshat. Are you planning to vote for Biden? Yes, he's a Marxist which means he's very stupid.
  18. Says the guy who claimed earlier property damage does not = violence Gtfoh
  19. They burned down the Saki House -- a family owned (by Japanese immigrants) locale which they poured their heart and soul into. They now have to sell it at a huge loss because the insurance won't cover it. You're not only wrong, you're dangerously ignorant of even basic facts. Are you planning to vote for Biden by the way?
  20. He can't help himself. He's been programmed to be a racist who doesn't think he is one. The most dangerous kind of buffoon.
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