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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. It's amazing, isn't it? Poor @transplantbillsfan unable to think for himself has finally come back to bite him. And now, rather than admit there's a problem with supporting both Joe Biden and fighting "systemic racism", he lashes out and calls others racists for merely pointing out this contradiction. It's only worse when you have to lie about what was written to avoid the uncomfortable position you now find yourself in. As I said before, and repeated: anyone who's spent the past two weeks decrying systemic racism while also planning to support Biden -- a man who spent forty years in office creating that systemic racism -- is either deeply stupid or deeply dishonest. There' no mention of race in that equation. But you inserted it. Why? Because you know the truth of this statement and are horrified that you've fallen into that trap. You're supporting the man who co-sponsored the Crime Bill, a piece of legislation that did more to harm brown and black folk than any piece of legislation since Reconstruction. You want to pretend this isn't reality, when it is. Because you're a deeply stupid person, Transplant. Falsely accusing me of racism for pointing that out, only proves me correct.
  2. The point being there was never a need for the lockdown. We're seeing that now. But once these protests peak this weekend, they'll go back to the lie. Will you fall for it?
  3. You think only black people care about this issue? Yeah, you're a deeply stupid person Transplant. And racist. So racist you don't even see how you injected race into this discussion when I did not.
  4. I did no such thing. Again, you, the white liberal (racist) added black to the equation. I said "people". Funny that you can't see past race -- yet you're still going to vote for the guy who was the primary architect of institutional racism... how can you square that with your beliefs? (You can't -- but you're too dishonest to admit that)
  5. No. The "experts" and blue state leaders.
  6. Says the guy parroting Marx as if it's new
  7. Well, so far today you've done a wonderful job proving that you're deeply stupid and dishonest.
  8. So when will people get angry about being lied to for three months?
  9. Again, who added "black people" to this discussion? Not me... it was you. Proving yet again that no one is more racist than a white liberal.
  10. I never said black people. But racists can't help but see everything through that prism I said people who are upset by systemic racism who decide to vote for Biden are deeply stupid, or deeply dishonest. Which one are you? Again, only one of us brought race into this. It wasn't me. Might want to check that privilege -- But tell me, how can you support one of the primary architects of institutional racism, a man who's been in power 40+ years and sponsored the Crime Bill? Or is the cognitive dissonance so painful for you that you completely deny that reality? Don't answer, I know which one it is.
  11. It hurts, I know, to see the economy recovering at lightning speed. In order to root for No Chance Joe, you not only have to be FOR systemic racism in our legal system, but also for an economic disaster. It must be really tough to have to embrace darkness just to make yourself feel better about your candidate. Think of how much happier you'd be if you started to think for yourself on matters, rather than bowing and kowtowing to the intellectual mob.
  12. As a self avowed Marxist, you're also an atheist. So, I don't give two ***** what you think of God. That's all he can do now. He's getting pummeled. A smarter man would slink away, but not Greg! He's here to prove to every single person how deeply stupid he actually is. And just when you think, "no one can be that stupid", he goes and posts something to remove all doubt.
  13. Incorrect -- and shows once again how deeply stupid you are. Those countries are free market societies. Not Marxist. But again, you're too stupid to even know the difference. Yes, I've never spent any time researching and writing about the CIA overreach. Of course it's irrelevant to Marxism being ideologically sound... but when you're too deeply stupid to understand basic facts, you argue make silly arguments like this. I have advanced degrees in history, yes I've read it. And unlike you, I understood it. After all that, he can't name ONE successful Marxist state. Not one. But he believes that Marx was "entirely accurate in his predictive models". When someone exposes themselves to be deeply stupid, believe them.
  14. Trump may be full of it when it comes to his own religious beliefs, but his administrations has done more to protect religious institutions and God than Biden has done his entire 40+ year career in politics. One is an avowed enemy of God, the other -- narcissistic huckster though he may be -- has worked to protect God in our culture. One is very much not like the other.
  15. He's truly, breathtakingly stupid. It's kind of impressive.
  16. "Answer me, B word" -- the sound a man makes when he's winning an argument, not being roundly beaten to a pulp. Marx's ideas are pernicious and proven to be evil. Yes, you're a fool if you think he was "proven entirely correct" by history. If he was, show me one successful Marxist state in existence today... go!
  17. I agree. But one side is trying. The other isn't. If that's the line in the sand you've decided to draw (and more power to you for doing so), then voting for Biden runs counter to your own beliefs. The left wants to destroy God. Joe included. Why help them?
  18. @transplantbillsfan "Joe will fix the systemic injustice and racism in our system!" Same guy: Sorry, anyone who's crying about this issue who is still planning to vote for the guy who created the problem in the first place is either too stupid to see their shooting their own goals in the foot -- or completely and totally dishonest.
  19. I'm just reading the screed you've written. It answers it all. Your posts prove you're deeply stupid and a Marxist. Then to remove all doubt you say this: 100+ million dead in his name in the last century alone. No, Marx was not proven correct by history, let alone "entirely". Keep proving you're a deeply -- and I do mean DEEPLY -- stupid person. If you closed your mouth you'd suffocate, that's how stupid of a human you are.
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