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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Because Joe is a coward. He's always been a coward.
  2. No Chance Joe just split his party's divide even deeper.
  3. ******************************* ********************************
  4. And yet... You're surprised when fascists and communists do fascists and communist things.
  5. I'm no expert, but based on the position of his arms in that shot, it looks like he's either: 1) Taking a leak outside 2) Posing his junk for a selfie 3) "grooming" himself
  6. Can confirm. Can also confirm that a sect within the DOJ who's been on cleanup duty thinks this is a sign of desperation. Time's almost up.
  7. Just imagine the ignorance it takes to believe you're protesting for systemic change when said protests are supported by: * Most of government * The entire media and entertainment complexes * The entire technocracy Real "revolutions" aren't supported by the architects of the system you're revolting against... But details.
  8. This isn't solidarity. It isn't genuine. It's pandering of the worst kind. Half those people have been in office decades with the power to change the system yet they haven't. Anyone who falls for this is really dumb.
  9. It's only looked upon as some kind of evil by the moral relativists, revisionists, and prog-fascists who have fooled you into thinking they're "the good guys" for the past few years.
  10. I would feel bad for those reasonable voices, but they're the ones who empowered the mob in the first place. Sucks to reap what you sow -- but hopefully it shakes some of them awake so they realize the Faustian deal they've been making for the past several years.
  11. The Queen has (quietly) been MIA for two weeks. Not unusual for her, but makes me wonder if there was some strategy sessions being held away from public view.
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