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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. That's proof of how dumb he is, nothing more. And it's the living example of the (now) old saying around here: "All democrats had to do was not be crazy, but they just couldn't do it."
  2. He's not a "Trump" bot in disguise. He's a troll, no question, but he's not here to backdoor support for 45.
  3. In all of my posting I'm always pointing out the rot is on both sides of the aisle. On this issue there's no debate. However, you're missing the point. One side is weaponizing this at this moment in time -- it's the establishment (which covers all manner of partisans). They're weaponizing it not because they care about this issue or the people, they clearly care about neither, but because they have nothing left to offer. Keeping us fighting with each other, rather than casting the blame, perpetuates the cycle. 40+ long term GOPers have been rousted from office in the last four years. They've been cleaning their own stables -- with more work to do. The DNC has not even begun. They're shameless. And deserved to be called out as such.
  4. Playing the blame game indefinitely is what politicians want us to do. Look at all the leaders in Congress pretending to be outraged today, staging photo ops of them bending a knee. These people, like Pelosi and Schumer and Nadler and many more have been in power, with the ability to change things, for decades. Yet they've done nothing. Why? Because the blame game keeps them in power and us fighting with one another. Fixing problems is not on their agenda. Want real change? Vote them out. Don't fall in line with their latest propaganda ploy.
  5. Wonder why that is? Could it be because nearly every expert has not just been wrong, but laughably so? They jumped the shark with their attempts to support the "protests". The jig is up.
  6. The trick they're trying to pull with this media coverage is to make the majority opinion feel as if they're in the minority. Information warfare 101.
  7. A little more on this. I don't know Adam, never met him, spoken with him. I do, however, know a few of his sources very well. And they are legit people with real access into the DOJ/FBI/USIC. So this isn't news to me, but it continues to astound me how unconcerned they seem to be about the political schedule up ahead. I don't know whether that's incredible hubris or because they're that convinced that they have airtight cases to make. (shrug)
  8. I don't know if it's official yet, but he said it on the stump himself more than once over the past six months. (the laugh before was for the slavery joke )
  9. I disagree -- not with your overall point, but in how it was executed. Biden did it through his third level spox, he'll still have to do it directly. And when he does, he'll pour gasoline on the fire within his own party.
  10. That wasn't directed at you personally. It was a general statement to show how silly that kind of argument is. It's reductive and shallow.
  11. Any crime committed by a cop is egregious and should be fully investigated/prosecuted. No one argues otherwise. But to argue that because there are one (or 100) bad cops, all cops are bad is as simple minded as saying all Muslims are bad because of what happened on 9/11. It's a nonsense argument.
  12. "Bernie bros are fully supporting Biden" @transplantbillsfan
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