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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. One would think in this current period of discussions about police overreach and abuse, there would be more and more people flocking to defend what was done to General Flynn and others. Yet, every single one of the virtue signalers down here aren't stepping up. Could it be because they don't really care about the issue at all? They only care about people seeing them "talk about it"? Nah. When people show you who they are, believe them.
  2. Important: Another foundational piece of the narrative proven to be BS. (as I said it was nearly 3 years ago)
  3. The thing is, from everything from his record to his racism to his corruption -- Joe's decidedly worse than Trump. Joe didn't pass criminal justice reform, Trump did. Trump isn't on camera assaulting women and children for decades, but Joe is. Trump funded Historically black universities and colleges, Joe never did. Trump didn't abuse the police and intelligence powers to spy on his political rivals, Joe did. What Joe did, over his forty years in power was to strengthen the "systemic injustice", get in bed with high interest credit card companies that crushed the working class and created a generation of debt slaves, he worked with segregationists and former Klan heads in Congress. Joe's not only a terrible politician, he's a proven disaster for the country when he was in power. No Chance Joe. That's who you support. Which means you don't really support any reform, or changing of the system. Your vote for Joe is a vote for systemic racism, government corruption, and the abuse of women. Wear that pin proud, Trans. You'll want to burn it in about 10 years when you realize you've been suckered.
  4. Always listen to Pac
  5. What's funny is they likely got their asses beat by a bunch of homeless folk. Nothing against homeless folk, but if you can't win a fight with a malnurished person, good luck standing your ground with these guys:
  6. What's funny is that when the Deep State War thread started, I pointed out that the war had already begun and would only grow worse. But I don't think even I saw it getting to this extreme 5 years into it. But here we are. One side is a dying, wounded animal. They have two tools left at their disposal (the media/entertainment control, the technology/silicon valley control) -- the rest have been stripped away. That makes them dangerous, but they're not going to win. It's just about winding down the clock now.
  7. Are you're in favor of defunding the police, Capco? Or no? If no, what's your suggestion for a solution?
  8. What is this hot bag of nonsense "White supremacy" is at the roots of biological sex now? They're not only intellectually bankrupt, they're out of ways to gaslight their fellow travelers. It takes a real low IQ to buy into this kind of critical theory BS. (here comes GarBoTibs to support it!)
  9. WRONG. When you don't even know the basic definition of fascism, you say stupid things like Kemp. Fascism is so "far right" that it was started by Mussolini, then adapted by national socialists The farther right you go, the more libertarian based the ideology. Libertarianism does not mesh with Fascism on nearly any level.
  10. And per the troll above's nonsense post: Stupid people fall for stupid arguments.
  11. Think of GWTW -- it's the first Oscar win for a black actress, now it's relegated to the dust bin of history, erasing her accomplishment along with it. These people aren't really trying to fight racism with book burning. They're trying to control society and its thoughts to better ensure their own power.
  12. That was because they accused Trump of culturally appropriating the Bible! But a bunch of lilly white dems appropriating Kente cloth isn't appropriation because they're Ghanaian on the inside, dammit!
  13. Also, arguments will be streamed live: 9:30 am Friday (the 12th). DOJ sent their A squad, should be a good set of orations.
  14. Because they went with on screen talent over behind the scene talent.
  15. This coming from Kemp, the guy who is SUCH a fascist that he tried to dox someone who had a different opinion than him. GTFOH w that projection, Kemp. You are what you accuse others of being.
  16. In LA it’s pretty interesting to see/learn who is outraged (and I mean outraged) over places opening, even after the past two weeks of supporting the protests. There’s a stark divide at least among my friends, the outraged ones are the ones still terrified they’ll get it — despite all being under 40 w no underlying conditions. Everyone else busts their balls/lady balls. The fear hook was sunk deep in some minds.
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