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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Come on, SectionOfReallyShittyLawyers, put your money where your mouth is. If you think that filing was such a "takedown" then you must think Flynn's going to get sentenced. How bout we make a bet? If Flynn gets sentenced, I'll go on vacation for a year. When Flynn gets the case dismissed with prejudice, then you have to go on a vacation for a year. Or are you even more full of shite than I gave you credit for?
  2. All that to say: "I won't read it, because doing so would expose how little I understand about the law, practicing it or otherwise".
  3. I was fortunate in my experience that the dumb attorneys whose path I crossed were always on the opposing side. Our firm was stocked with really sharp and smart people (doing SUPER boring work imo lol). All that to say: "I won't read it, because doing so would expose how little I understand about the law, practicing it or otherwise".
  4. I gave you the deciding case law to read. You've ignored it. Because you're a very dumb person, SectionC3. And your legal chops are wanting.
  5. I worked in law long enough to know there are plenty of really dumb and bad attorneys. So I can't completely rule it out. Either way, his track record down here should be required reading for any prospective clients in his future. I'm sure they'd love to see how unglued to reality, facts, logic, or common sense he is.
  6. Not according to the FBI, IG, DOJ, or the TRANSCRIPT OF THE CALL. But when you've already admitted that you haven't read any of the relevant material, filings, testimony, or case law -- you come to stupid conclusions that aren't based in fact. Keep on proving how shite of an attorney you actually are, Section.
  7. Nor does your endorsement mean anything other than the opposite of what you say. Here's a thread on why it's garbage, and your take is too. Because you're a ***** attorney, SectionC3. I mean that sincerely. You're terrible at all elements of your job. Your critical thinking is weak, your logic is soft, and your ability to write is journeyman at best. You've made that clear for months now with each piece of drivel you've written.
  8. https://harvardlawreview.org/2017/01/united-states-v-fokker-services-b-v/ https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/cadc/15-3016/15-3016-2016-04-05.html Enjoy.
  9. Note: he doesn't challenge the fact he has not read any of the filings. But he's taking a piece of nonsense and calling it a "take down" When ***** lawyers advertise how shite they are at their job, believe them.
  10. Exactly. They cannot -- unless they ignore his record. Which is what @transplantbillsfan has been doing for months now. No Chance Joe is the worst candidate you could run in this moment precisely because of his record. He was one of the primary architects of "systemic injustice", he had nearly 50 years in power and in that time worked with segregationists (while praising them) and authoring the crime bill which did more to tilt the system against black, brown and poor folk than any other piece of legislation since Reconstruction. But THIS time he'll be different!
  11. By your own admission, this is the first filing you've read on the Flynn matter. You spent weeks telling everyone that you haven't read the submissions. Do your own homework, or keep believing nonsense legal arguments steeped in fake news sources rather than case law. You're proving you're a terrible attorney
  12. A weak dodge from a weak mind who's been wrong on this topic since day one. For four years now. It's an impressive record of stupidity you've run up, Gar. Be proud. Everyone can see you for the fool you've always been.
  13. I have though. And unlike you, I read it without having to move my lips.
  14. It’s baseless, contradicted by the case record and Mueller’s own report — but yeah, it’s a “takedown” Proving that if you do do this for a living you’re terrible at it. GTFOH w that nonsense.
  15. No details given
  16. Wrong, again.
  17. 100% It's happening fast and as a result is dangerous/scary. The only thing we/you can do at this moment is care for your loved ones as best you can and make a stand for what's right. The con going on right now is the effort (because of the powers of control you mentioned) to make you feel like yours is the minority view. It's not. By a long shot. The summer will get bumpier. The fall will be chaos. Then, after the election, we'll be at a real inflection point. But the masks have slipped. This "movement" is being exposed for what it truly is (Marxist). That has opened a lot of eyes already, and will only continue to do so as we progress through the next few phases. My advice would be to remember to unplug from time to time to recharge your own self. However you accomplish that (prayer, meditation, time with loved ones, time in nature -- whatever it is you do to center and ground yourself), don't neglect that in this period. The goal is to sow fear, chaos, and disinformation. That's harder to do when you're re-setting yourself from time to time.
  18. It's really funny you've decided to re-climb this hill only to die on it again. It just proves how stupid of a person you actually are. You had every chance to just take the L and slink away, but not Gary! If there's competition for the biggest the dumbest PPP troll, he's going to make sure he's in contention. When Flynn gets his charges dropped -- which isn't a question of "if" only "when" -- it'll be fun to watch you get gutted all over again. Stupid people do stupid things, like siding with evil and calling it "righteous".
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