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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Doesn’t it give you ANY pause to be forced to cite Cheney as a GOOD reason why you support an unconstitutional construct?
  2. You are wrong. The FBI not only didn’t warn the Trump campaign that four of their employees were under investigation, they wired up a bunch of spies to entrap the campaign instead. Try again.
  3. They had to move it. I don't think they've landed on a new location yet.
  4. This is in fact not true. They never warned Trump, or his campaign. Hence the outrage. So before you spout off about others finding different news sources, try it yourself. You've been wrong at every turn on this issue for years now. It's no longer excusable. It's just laziness.
  5. Correct, he's surrounded himself with a "shadow council" which he says he'll lean on. And the members of that council are largely Obama/Clinton holdovers with a few prog-fascists thrown in to appease the Bernie crowd.
  6. He's a disaster. The more he speaks, the more he reveals his shortcomings.
  7. Because doing so would open up Pandora's Box for the establishment DNC. It's going to happen regardless, and their continued turning of a blind eye to this injustice (while claiming to care about systemic injustice overall) will expose them as the frauds we know them to be for millions of Americans who haven't paid attention. There's no escaping what's coming for them.
  8. Donate to BLM so white politicians with terrible records on racism/systemic injustice can use that money to run for office.
  9. Of course he will. He's an intellectually dishonest coward. He proved it with his last post. Accusing me of trying to create wiggle room when he's the one playing semantics. SuperShittyLawyerSection has brought nothing of value to this thread other than exposing his own ignorance -- and the fact that he's a terrible attorney who can't argue his way out of a wet paper bag.
  10. @transplantbillsfan doesn't want to talk about Biden's long support of Byrd... nope. Can't do that without coming to the realization that No Chance Joe is the wrong guy for this moment, if you truly care about fixing "systemic injustice". Then again, Trans doesn't really care about that. At all. If he did, he'd renounce Joe. But he won't.
  11. I've asked you to read and respond to the relevant case law of this matter -- you refused. I asked you to read the filings on this case and all the testimony -- you refused. So forgive me if I don't keep calling you out for what you are: which is a cowardly asshat of epic proportions who runs away from a challenge because you lack the testicular fortitude to back up your (wildly inaccurate) analysis of this matter. You're a joke. And you just keep proving it with every post. ************************************* More on what ShittyLawyerSection called an epic "take down"
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