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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Don't mess with bus drivers.
  2. Who started the fire in Atlanta last night? Why a Karen of course.
  3. I'd feel bad for Howy, but he made his bed.
  4. It's no coincidence that all those "generals" leaving were at the sharp end of the "regime change" philosophy and permawar agenda. Gotta look deeper than the headlines on this ALF (only pointing this out because I know this is an issue you're passionate about, ending peramwar/regime change). Don't let the door hit 'em where the good Lord split 'em.
  5. Option 1 requires them abandoning all their core liberal ideologies and principles they (think) they're clinging to. Option 2 requires them to abandon nothing but the fascist/Marxist habits they picked up during their programming. Yet most of them would say Option 1 is "freedom". The brainwashing runs deep.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/KarluskaP/status/1271959893562589185
  7. Of course Biden’s record of draft dodging it impressive in itself. Just ignore that part... just like we’re supposed to ignore that on every single topic the left claims to be outraged re Trump over, Biden’s record is always worse.
  8. Are you really under the impression that the FBI/USIC isn't actively doing this? I mean, the ones who weren't busy using its considerable resources to spy on its political opposition in an attempt to undermine an election...
  9. Think of the pretzel logic on display here... "We can't go back to the way things were before"... so vote for the guy who's been in officer for near 50 years. The same guy who built "the way things were before", and got rich doing it. There's zero way to rectify how one could simultaneously support Joe Biden for President, while also supporting the most recent wave of protests. Unless you're either completely dishonest, ignorant, or too partisan to care.
  10. Symbolism will be their downfall.They are fighting to regain control.You stand in their way.You awake is their greatest fear.Q
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