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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Correct, because they keep finding more dirt. And, as of three months ago, people started talking/flipping. The documents already produced, especially last week, already prove that it's anything but underwhelming. Read them if you haven't. They're damning. There's no excuse for them unless you dig deep into a partisan foxhole.
  2. Projection is a hell of a thing. This coming from the guy who wrote, without compunction, that Biden has the most "stable race/lead in modern history". You're living in fantasy land where the media tells you the truth. That's why you're so uninformed on so many things.
  3. You're an attorney, correct? Then you're likely familiar with how this goes when you're unraveling something this big with so much paper and so many witnesses. You pull one string, it leads to other strings and then others and then others. This is a massive criminal web that's being uncovered. Some of it is petty partisanship that isn't criminal, much of it is deeply corrupt with criminal intent. They need this to be air tight to bring anything because they're going to be tagged with "it's political" whatever they do. So Durham is being thorough as he tries to unravel a web that stretches across the political aisle and has been SOP in DC for a number of years. They could roll up just the McCabe/Comey wing of it and call it a day, but that would require ignoring the IC and State's involvement. They don't seem willing to do that. They want to bring it all out in a way that's actionable.
  4. And if you're still thinking in those terms, it shows you learned nothing from 2016. The media is lying to you. That's what they've done consistently for decades, only now we have oodles of evidence to prove that they're cultivating reality, not reporting truth. If you keep buying into what they're selling (like Trump supporters are just a loud minority), you're discerning wrong.
  5. I did show my work. You made a ridiculous statement and it elicited an honest guffaw. It still is.
  6. Fully agree. I've been loudly saying this for months now. Right before Covid, they made a decision to wait. I disagreed then, still do now, but in that interim period they've now uncovered more and more dirt which has delayed things beyond the Covid delays. It's frustrating. If he loses, it will have been. Without question the investigation will go away if that happens. The only thing I can add to this is that certain people involved feel very confident that Trump is not only going to win, but win big. That (they say) is a part of their calculus. I still would prefer going before the election though. (Also, more documents are coming today -- they're apparently the worst yet and I thought last week's were bad) And, Joe, we're not alone:
  7. You've got this backwards and upside down.
  8. Pretty sure it was Wiessmann based on his media rounds yesterday and today.
  9. I've never heard someone complain so much about a place he keeps coming back to. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/mars-water-bodies-nasa-alien-life-b673519.html?fbclid=IwAR1PYuyI-4PUkM0uXVPirT9_P6UaUzYYuOFBGqta3ttUQ5-pT2IwFK0d5rw MULTIPLE 'WATER BODIES' FOUND UNDER SURFACE OF MARS
  11. I don't think so.
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